When he woke up the next day, Qin Sitong's face turned red when he thought of the night last night. Last night, he completely completed the things that didn't last night in the study two days ago.

"Wake up?" Jun Jisheng's voice suddenly sounded.

As soon as Qin Sitong looked up, he found that Jun Jisheng was wearing clothes. At the moment, he had put on most of his clothes. He was wearing an iron gray suit on him. He was tall and heroic. People couldn't help but want to worship his suit pants.

Such a man was really with her last night... Her mind flashed the scene in this room last night, and then her blood rushed into her face.

"Take it." his voice sounded in her ear.

She took something conditionally. When she recovered, she found that it was his tie.

"Can you wear a tie?" he said.

"... yes." when she was a child, she learned how to tie a tie from her father because she wanted to tie a tie for her father. It was a very happy thing for her to tie a tie for her father at that time.

But she hasn't tied anyone since her father died.

So he bent down and moved his neck to a suitable height. As long as she raised her hand, she could touch his neck. That means obviously asking her to tie his tie.

Qin Sitong put his tie around Jun Jisheng's neck and began to play it unskilled.

I once read in a novel that wearing a tie is a very intimate action, and people who are usually alert will not easily ask others to help wear a tie, because they put their important parts in front of each other, and may even kill themselves as long as they kill their hearts together. Also seen in the film, there are killers who tighten each other's tie to kill.

"What are you thinking?" his voice sounded again.

"I'm thinking that a tie is actually a deadly thing," she murmured unconsciously.

His eyes were suddenly deep, "so, do you want my life?" his voice was very low and deep, like the sea surface swept by the night wind.

She shook her head quickly.

He smiled and let her continue to unskilled tie him. "If one day you want my life, tell me." this was like a joke.

Qin Si Tong naturally didn't take it to heart. What did she want his life to do!

When the tie was ready, Jun Jisheng put on his coat smartly, and then said to her, "didn't you say you would go back to school today? I'll freshen up later, come down for breakfast, and I'll take you to school."

Qin Sitong immediately reacted. God, I'm going back to school today! She's almost late!


After a hurried breakfast, under the escort of Jun Jisheng, Qin Sitong finally stepped on a little to the school. Just when he got off the bus, he suddenly held the back of her head, then kissed her lips and said, "call me after today's business is over, and I'll pick you up."

Then he left Qin Sitong with a crimson face.

In school, especially in his own department, Qin Sitong has become a little concerned. After all, things have been very big before. Many students saw it the day Jun Ji came to school. So there was a lot of whispering in the place where Qin Sitong passed.

As soon as Qin Sitong entered the classroom, Kong Chengcheng gathered together. Up to now, she still feels like she is in the clouds. Her good friend actually interacted with President Jun Jisheng, who used to only watch on TV. It's incredible to think about it.

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