So Kong Chengcheng began to wonder how his good friend and Jun Jisheng knew each other and how to communicate with each other. Qin Sitong didn't hide much from his good friend, but didn't say the first time he was in the underground parking garage. He just said he saw him in the mall, and then he was inexplicably taken back by Jun Jisheng in the dessert shop, signed a so-called contract, and then contacted.

"Ga? That's it?" Kong Chengcheng was surprised.

"That's it." Qin Sitong spread his hand.

"But how can I sound a little strange and inexplicable." Kong Chengcheng thought for a moment and then said in a low voice, "is it possible that Jun Jisheng fell in love with you at first sight, but he didn't mean to say it?"

Qin Sitong almost sprayed. Love at first sight?! How could this be possible? At first, she felt a little inexplicable about her and Jun Jisheng, but anyway, at least now, she likes Jun Jisheng, and she also hopes to get his same feelings.

Then Qin Sitong also learned from Kong Chengcheng that yuan Mengtian has returned to school these two days. According to the next class, yuan Mengtian is also preparing to hand in her graduation thesis. It seems that she hopes to graduate this year. It is also heard that yuan Mengtian has run to the principal's and Dean's Office several times these two days, hoping that the school can remove or reduce the punishment given to her.

At noon in the bedroom, Kong Chengcheng took Cai Jingming to Qin Sitong. "Sitong, Jingming wants to say sorry to you. She misunderstood you about that before, so she said those things that shouldn't be said. I hope you don't mind."

Cai Jingming also hurriedly said, "yes, Si Tong, I'm really sorry. I didn't know how at that time. I misunderstood when I heard many people say that. I listened to the lies told by yuan Mengtian. Don't worry about me. I was really careless at that time!"

Qin Sitong said with a smile, "it doesn't matter. Everyone is in the same bedroom. It's over." but she knows from the bottom of her heart that she and Jingming can't become good friends after all. Sometimes, people who eat and drink together may not be able to see how much the friendship weighs in each other's hearts. Only when something happens can we see who is really when you are in trouble, Someone who will reach for you.


Qin Sitong went to the library to find some books. Originally, she wanted to go back to her bedroom. As a result, it occurred to her that Cai Jingming always liked to intentionally or unintentionally turn the topic around Jun Jisheng these days. She simply looked for a book in the shade of a cool tree.

The sun shines down through the treetops, coupled with the warm prestige, so it's comfortable to read.

But this comfort did not last long, and was broken by a voice familiar to Qin Sitong.

"I've already said about your father. My family and I can't help. Now no one can get your father out." Qi Bin said coldly.

"I know my father's business is very difficult, but... But the school's business is not difficult. If your family is willing to help, it can at least let me graduate this year." yuan Mengtian said, with tears in her eyes, rushed forward and hugged Qi Bin, "Bin, we've been together for four years. I'm your girlfriend. Are you really so ruthless? Can you say you forget the beautiful past between us?"

Qi Bin's face was moved. Obviously, he still had some feelings for yuan Mengtian.

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