In the evening, junleyan was able to get out of bed and walk around. She insisted on going to see her daughter in the incubator. Qin Sitong smelled the speech and said, "wait for tomorrow. It's not too late when your body recovers better tomorrow."

"Mom, I want to see the baby early." junle Yan said. She hasn't seen her daughter since she was born.

Qin Sitong himself was a mother. Naturally, he understood his daughter's feelings at the moment, so he didn't say anything, but went to pediatrics with his daughter.

When he got there, junle Yan almost stared at the daughter in the incubator. This is the child she and Beichen, the child she gave birth to.

At the moment, the child still looks so weak lying in the incubator, which makes her heart inexplicably anxious.

"Mom, does the doctor really say that the child is OK?" Jun Leyan asked nervously.

"Is it hard for mom to lie to you? The doctor really said that the child is in good condition. Although it is premature, it doesn't matter at present." Qin Sitong said, "even if there is any problem, the family will do everything to save it."

Qin Sitong knows that this child, for her daughter, is equivalent to the existence of life.

Junle Yan was relieved.

Just on the way back to the ward with his mother, when entering the elevator, junleyan suddenly stopped when pressing the elevator floor button. The 7th floor is her obstetric floor, and the 13th floor is the inpatient department of brain surgery. According to Qin you, Beichen should live in the hospital on the 13th floor.

"What's the matter?" Qin Sitong looked at his daughter's delay in pressing the floor button, so he raised his hand and pressed the button on the 7th floor.

The elevator slowly rose up. When it reached the 7th floor, Qin Sidong walked out of the elevator. Turning around, he found his daughter still in the elevator.

"Mom, I want to see Beichen. It's also because of me that he will be hurt this time." she said, quickly pressing the floor button on the 13th floor, and the elevator door closed. Qin Sitong didn't even have time to get into the elevator.

Staring at the closed elevator door, Qin Sitong couldn't help saying, "this child, if I really want to see Beichen, will I stop it?"

When junle Yan came to the 13th floor, the previous hesitation became calm.

Yes, in fact, there is no need to struggle. Since you want to see how he is now, just follow what you think.

At the nurse's desk, Jun Leyan asked the nurse, "what ward is Dr. Mei Beichen in?"

The nurse on duty at the nurse desk recognized Jun Leyan and hurriedly said, "in ward 1316."

Junle Yan thanked and walked towards the ward.

She knocked several times at door, but no one opened it, so she pushed door and went in. This ward was a single room, but when she entered it, there was no one in it.

Junle Yan looked around suspiciously. Isn't he... In the ward? But if she wasn't there, the nurse at the nurse's desk should have told her.

Just as junleyan thought like this, he suddenly heard a sound of vomiting coming from the bathroom. Junleyan then walked towards the bathroom. The door of the bathroom was not closed, so she could clearly see that he was lying on the washstand, vomiting all the time.

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