His head and feet were wrapped in gauze, and one hand was cast. At present, he was completely supporting the washing table with the other hand.

A moment later, Mei Beichen's vomiting stopped and took a breath. He picked up the water cup on one side and rinsed with some water. Then he put down the water cup and looked up.

The bathroom light fell on his face. His whole face looked pale and haggard without a trace of blood.

Suddenly, Mei Beichen seemed to feel it. She turned her head and looked at the door of the bathroom. In an instant, the figure of junle Yan printed into his eyes.

He was stunned, as if he didn't believe his eyes.

Do you miss her too much? That's why I felt like I saw her now. It seems that his concussion was really a big shock.

He closed his eyes, raised his uninjured hand and rubbed the corner of his forehead.

But when he opened his eyes again, he still saw her standing at the door of the bathroom.

"You... How did you come here?" Mei Beichen suddenly asked, realizing that what was in front of her was not an illusion, but that she really appeared in his ward.

"Come and see you. Is your injury... Serious?" she asked.

For a moment, he had a feeling of embarrassment. It was precisely because he didn't want her to know his injury, so he deliberately didn't go to her ward to see her.

As a result, I didn't think she came on her own initiative.

"Fortunately, it's just a little serious. In fact, it's nothing. It's all skin trauma." he said lightly.

"Is your concussion a skin injury?" she asked.

He choked.

"Did you vomit just now because of a concussion? How many times have you vomited?" she continued.

He pursed his thin lips, walked out of the bathroom step by step and came to her, "Yan Yan, are you concerned about me now?"

"What's wrong with me... I care about you? After all, you're like this because you saved me." she said, with a faint unnatural voice, as if a voice in the bottom of her heart was asking, is that really all?

The hope in his eyes turned into bitterness and self mockery. Yes, it can only be because of this. What is he still thinking about?

Do you want her to care about him because she still has him in her heart?

Take a deep breath, his eyes drop gently, and a shallow smile comes out of the corners of his lips, "Yan Yan, you know what? It's really easy for me to misunderstand you. If you care about me just because I saved you, there's no need. I owe you too much. I'll pay you back. If you care about me again, I'll mistakenly think you have affection for me."

Junle Yan was silent. For a moment, he didn't know how to respond to these words.

Mei Beichen dragged one foot to the door and opened the doorway of the ward. "Well, you're also very weak now. You shouldn't get out of bed for too long. Go back to the ward to have a rest early. I'm a doctor. I know my injury very well. It's no big problem. You don't need to worry too much."

Junle Yan walked step by step to the door of the ward and wanted to say something, but his throat seemed to be blocked. Finally, he stepped out of the ward without saying anything.

Mei Beichen closed the door of the ward, put his back against the door and murmured, "Yan Yan, I really... Will misunderstand, will misunderstand..."

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