Belize, this man, is always so self righteous?!

However, she doesn't want to stay here anymore. She just wants to see Aunt Wu, find Du Hao and ask whether the investigation report in her hand is true or not.

Belle Li turned and quickly left the study and walked towards the door of the villa. Han Lin didn't stop him. He slowly walked to the window of the study. Before long, he saw a shadow and ran out of the villa.

He looked down at the figure. She said she wouldn't fall in love with someone who didn't love her. This woman seemed more straightforward emotionally than he had originally thought.

He thought that a woman like her, even if she was betrayed emotionally, could not immediately cut off her relationship for many years.

Today, it seems a little different.

She won't love someone who doesn't love her, but he just loves someone who doesn't love him. She has loved him for so many years, and even loved... Happily.

They... Are really very different


Baili ran out of the villa and ran towards the main road for about 10 minutes. Finally, she saw a taxi. She quickly got on the taxi and reported to the hospital where Aunt Wu was hospitalized with the driver. The driver drove his car towards the hospital, and Baili took out his mobile phone and dialed Du Hao.

But what made her vomit blood was that the phone couldn't get through.

Shit! Beili was annoyed, but there was nothing to do at the moment. After all, the investigation report just taken from the man did not specify where Du Hao was.

The car stopped at the gate of the hospital. Belle paid the fare, got off quickly and went straight to the inpatient department.

Because it was already evening, after the visiting time, Belle had been pleading with the nurse on duty. The nurse on duty finally agreed, but asked belle to keep her voice down as much as possible and not to disturb the patients resting in the same ward.

The ward where Aunt Wu lives is a six room ward, and it is also the ward with the largest number of people in the hospital. The ward is very crowded. The hospital bed, together with the family members accompanying the night, crowded the small ward full.

Aunt Wu's hospital bed is in the corner. Other beds were accompanied by family members, but aunt Wu was cold and alone.

At the moment, aunt Wu, lying in the hospital bed, seems to be asleep, but Beili knows that this is not sleep, but similar to coma.

Previously, from the nurse, she knew that Aunt Wu's condition was getting worse and worse. Most of the day was sleeping. Only a few hours later, people could wake up. Even if they woke up, they were very weak.

Now, the hospital only gives aunt Wu the most conservative and basic treatment every day. It manages three meals a day and asks the nursing workers to help take care of it.

As for Du Hao, aunt Wu's son, she hasn't come to the hospital for more than half a month, let alone pay the expenses of the hospital. Now aunt Wu has defaulted on more than 50000 medical expenses of the hospital, and I'm afraid it will take at least one million if she wants to cure the disease. Of course, this is only the general statement of the nurse. The specific situation needs to be determined by the doctor.

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