Belle Li sat beside aunt Wu's hospital bed and looked at each other's haggard face.

If she has the deepest feelings for anyone in the 20 years since she became an orphan, it is undoubtedly aunt Wu. She has no father's love and mother's love, but the woman in front of her is giving these love to her as much as possible.

When she grows up, she misses the opportunities to be adopted again and again. After all, those who come to adopt children prefer to adopt children who are young or even don't remember. They won't consider those older children at all. There was even a time when she wished she was a small, ignorant child so that she could be adopted.

Aunt Wu took her hand and smiled, "When Li Li grows up, it's time to be happy, because it means that it's closer to meeting the person you love most with us. When Li Li really grows up into an adult, you can marry the person you like and give birth to your own baby. Isn't that also good? Before that, let my aunt take the place of the person who loves Li Li most in the future Love our Li! "

Aunt Wu's words were very warm and made Baili cry. Since then, she no longer looks forward to being adopted, but looks forward to growing up. I hope it will really be the day as aunt Wu said.

Only now did she understand that it was not so easy to find someone who really loved her.

A few days ago, because the fetus in her stomach was unstable, she had been taking care of the fetus, so she didn't come to the hospital much. Now when she saw aunt Wu, she was much thinner than what she saw last time. Her cheeks were sunken. Even when she touched her arm, she touched only a layer of skin and bones.

She... What should she do? The follow-up treatment cost of 1 million yuan is not affordable at all, but aunt Wu's disease is imminent, and Du Hao, who killed thousands of knives, can't find anyone at all. Of course, even if she does, I'm afraid it's useless.

In this way, belleli stayed in the ward for a long time until the nurse urged him, and then he walked out of the ward.

"For the sake of the patient, you'd better raise the expenses as soon as possible, otherwise the patient may not last for a few months," the nurse warned.

Beili was in a heavy mood. After returning to her residence, she didn't sleep much all night. It was aunt Wu's illness and the child in her stomach.

I never thought that one day, the two could be linked together, but now they are forcibly tied together. If you want to save aunt Wu, the most feasible way is to give birth to the child. In this way, all the medical expenses have been solved.

But if you really give birth to a child like this, the child... Is really just a tool. After all, it is a life. Will the child blame and hate her in the future?

The next day, Baili came to the company with two panda eyes.

As a result, early in the morning, I met one of the last people I wanted to see - LV Ziyi, the woman Fei Pengtao really loved!

Speaking of it, Baili Li and LV Ziyi are old acquaintances. When they were in college, they were also alumni, but at the beginning, LV Ziyi was also at the school flower level. There had already been a handsome boyfriend around, and Fei Pengtao... At least Baili Li at the beginning could not see that Fei Pengtao had anything special to LV Ziyi.

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