"Don't think about it!" Zhou Yici shook his head and said to himself.

Out of the bathroom, she changed into clean and loose clothes and returned to the door of Jun Jingshu's room.

Kang Lu leaned against the door, his face still full of worry. It seems that Jun Jingshu hasn't come out.

"If you're really worried, you might as well kick the door open and take him to the doctor," she said.

Kang Lu stared at Zhou Yici again. "Since Jing Shu said not to go in, it's better to stay outside the door now."

"Do you know what happened to him?" Zhou Yici asked.

"If you want to know, ask him yourself." Kang Lu said.

That's like saying nothing. Zhou Yici rolled his eyes and stopped talking to Kang Lu. Instead, he squatted at the door of the room for a long night.

Time passed little by little, and Zhou Yici began to feel sleepy. Finally, he simply put his back against the door and took a nap. I don't know how long it took. Suddenly, something was thrown on her. When she opened her eyes, she found that Kang Lu didn't know when he took a blanket and threw it on her.

"Thank you," she said.

Kang Lu glanced at her. "If you catch a cold and get sick, Jing Shu is afraid it will hurt." after a pause, he said again, "what's wrong with Jing Shu? Why don't you love him?"

"There are many good people in this world. I can't love everyone." Zhou Yici replied.

"But I can guarantee that there will never be a person in this world who loves you like him." Kang Lu said.

"Why are you so sure that you are not him?" Zhou Yici said.

"I'm just so sure." Kang Lu's tone was extremely determined.

For a moment, the two looked at each other like this. After a long time, Zhou Yici said, "this is between me and him, Mr. Kang. Even if you are a friend of Jun Jingshu, there is no need to intervene in this kind of thing."

Kang Lu sighed, "I just don't want you to disappoint Jingshu. He can't afford your disappointments." because once you are disappointed by life, maybe you can only die for your family.

Zhou Yici looked at Kang Lu strangely. "I don't understand what you mean by this. What's unbearable?"

But Kanglu didn't mean to explain again.

All night, Zhou Yici slept and woke up, and Haokang road stayed at the door of Jun Jingshu's room.

Early in the morning, the door of the room finally opened. Zhou Yici, who had his back against the door, leaned back because the door opened, and the whole person suddenly woke up.

Jun Jing frowned and looked at Zhou Yici, who was bleary and rubbing his eyes. He didn't expect that she would be at the door of his room in this way.

"Jing Shu, you... Don't worry." Kang Lu looked at Jun Jing and apologized, with an uncontrollable worry on his face.

"I'm fine." Jun Jingshu said faintly. The pain all night was just a normal thing for him. At first, he could keep his reason, but later, he lost all his reason. He was just roaring and making money like a beast. He didn't look like a human, He doesn't want to be seen by anyone - especially Yici!

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