Are you okay? Zhou Yici looked at Jun Jingshu in front of him. His face was pale. There were obvious damages at the corners of his mouth. There were some deep or shallow scratches on his neck and the back of his hands exposed outside his clothes... It didn't look like he was all right.

What happened to him last night?! Why is he hurt? Who would hurt him? Even, he closed the door all night. What on earth is it for?

A series of questions flashed in her mind, so that when Jun Jingshu was about to turn and walk downstairs, she couldn't help holding his clothes.

He paused slightly and turned to look at her.

"Do you... Really don't worry?" she asked. She always felt that he didn't seem very good, as if he had been seriously ill.

His lips raised a radian, but there was no smile in his eyes. Instead, it was a distant cold, "what do you think will happen to me?"

"You -- how could you get hurt?" her distant cold made her feel as if she had been stabbed in her heart.

"What does this have to do with you?" he asked.

She suffocated. Yes, what does it have to do with her whether he gets hurt or not? But why did she always feel as if it had something to do with her.

"If... If it's because I missed my appointment last night, I can..."

But before she finished her words, she was interrupted by him, "what can you do? Zhou Yici, what can you pay for me? In fact, you are not willing to pay for me at all, are you?" so even if it is just a simple dinner, she can break the appointment so easily.

To him, she is the whole of his life and the person he cherishes most, but to her, what is he? It's just a trouble. If he hadn't forced her and threatened her family, she wouldn't be with him at all, even if it was only five years.

Zhou Yici was stunned. She didn't know how to answer Jun Jingshu's words until Jun Jingshu took back her clothes and walked down the stairs with Kang Lu.

All along, he had never looked at her like that, as if she had hurt him deeply.

It's just a dinner break. Why does it make her feel like she's done a big wrong thing?

A dull feeling pressed on her heart, which made her a little out of breath.

Kang Lu followed Jun Jingshu downstairs. "Last night, Zhou Yici also guarded your door all night."

"Are you forcing her?" Jun Jingshu asked faintly.

"At first, I asked, but later, she volunteered." Kang Lu Road hesitated and asked, "why didn't you open the door last night? As long as you open the door, as long as you touch her, can't you stop your pain? You don't have to suffer that pain at all."

"You say, why should the people of your family be so pitiful?" Jun Jingshu said abruptly.

poor? Kang Lu was stunned. The word seems to have nothing to do with your family anyway, but... Once you think of the blood curse, you feel that it is more appropriate to be sad than pitiful.

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