"Xiaomian, what's the matter with you?" Zhou Yici exclaimed, and Jun Jingshu nervously held the slender body.

"Eyes... Eyes hurt..." Jun Hengmian wailed bitterly. His hands seemed to want to remove the gauze. If Jun Jingshu didn't press his arms, maybe his hands would poke directly into his own eyes.

"How can your eyes suddenly hurt? Isn't it OK to recover?" Zhou Yici hurriedly said.

But Jun Hengmian's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally the whole person fainted. Jun Jingshu picked up Jun Hengmian and said to Zhou Yici, "I'll take Xiaomian to the hospital. You'll wait for me at home."

"No, I'll go with you!" Zhou Yici insisted, otherwise she wouldn't be at ease.

Jun Jingshu didn't say anything. He walked quickly towards the house with Jun Hengmian in his arms, and shouted to the driver to prepare the car.

After arriving at the hospital, the doctor conducted a detailed examination and came to the conclusion that "psychological compression pain", in short, there is no problem with the eyes, but because the patient's psychological condition gives the patient pressure and makes the patient have a sense of compression, so the patient has the feeling of eye pain.

"Is it a psychological problem?" Zhou Yici was stunned.

"Yes, was he stimulated before his pain attack?" the doctor asked.

Zhou Yici smothered and turned to look at Jun Jingshu. Before, she just told Xiaomian about having a baby. Can you say... Xiaomian's stimulation is because

When she and Xiaomian talked about pregnancy and the baby, the pallor on her little face suddenly hurt Zhou Yici's heart.

"Blame me." Zhou Yici said, "I'm too anxious and should wait a while." at the beginning, the little guy was sent back to the welfare home because the family that adopted him had their own children. How could she forget this matter.

Xiaomian... Must be afraid of being sent back to the welfare home. Zhou Yici felt a touch of heartache in her heart, but a disgusting feeling rushed up. She hurried out of the bathroom and vomited all the time.

She was not comfortable until her stomach was almost empty.

As soon as she got out of the bathroom, she saw Jun Jingshu standing outside the bathroom, looking at her worried, "what happened just now? What's wrong?"

"It's just morning sickness. Don't worry," she said.

"Your face is very ugly. You really don't need to see a doctor?" he said uneasily.

"Really not," she said.

"Then why don't I ask the driver to take you back first and I'll sleep with you in the hospital," he said.

"I want to stay with you. I can't rest until Xiaomian wakes up. Otherwise, even if I go back, I don't have the mind to rest."

Jun Jing sighed, "then you should take care of your body."

"HMM." she nodded softly.

The two returned to the ward. The little guy was sleeping in the hospital bed. The white gauze covered his eyes seemed to echo with his pale skin color.

Looking at such a little guy, Zhou Yici's heart hurt again, and his face was full of self reproach.

"I ignored Xiaomian's feelings." Zhou Yici said, "I know what Xiaomian is afraid of, but I forgot to think about it at that time. I only thought about the children in my stomach, and forgot to think about what reaction he might have after hearing it."

PS: I saw some readers leave a message saying they can't find the new book. Now the new book starts with Yunqi academy and QQ. You can search the two websites for "Lord Jun has been routine again" or the author's name: cat Qiancao. You should be able to find it. Thank you for your support. The new article is very wonderful!

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