"Anyway, Xiaomian is your child." Jun Jing forgives. "If Xiaomian doesn't get better, I'll ask the psychologist to relieve Xiaomian later."

"I'd better talk to Xiaomian first." Zhou Yici said, "a psychologist may be useful, but I don't think Xiaomian needs a psychologist more now."

Jun Jingshu gently patted Zhou Yici on the shoulder, "what do you want to eat? I'll let someone prepare."

"No appetite," she said.

"Then I'll let the cook cook cook some light porridge." Jun Jing forgives.

Zhou Yici nodded.

Jun Heng slept soundly all the time, and Zhou Yici waited beside her. At night, she simply moved another bed next to her son and put the two beds together.

"You have to rest early. After all, you still have a little sleep in your stomach. I'll keep it here. Once he wakes up, I'll wake you up." Jun Jing forgives.

Zhou Yici thought it was reasonable, so she nodded and lay down in bed. However, when she lay down, her hand gently wrapped the little guy's hand. She took a deep look at the little guy. This child is her child. This is the fact she recognized when she adopted him. This will never change.

In the middle of the night, a low voice vomited out of the small thin lips. The small body moved, but it suddenly stiffened when it felt the temperature wrapped around his right hand.

This is... Mommy's hand!

Mommy... Thinking of this word, Jun Hengmian just feels stuffy and painful in his heart. At first, he was sent back to the welfare home because his adoptive parents had their own baby.

And now, will he be sent back to the welfare home?

Although he was sad at that time, he didn't feel this pain. But now... He's in pain. He likes his current daddy and Mommy. Although daddy looks cold, he will tell him a lot of things he never knew before, teach him what is strong, and let him understand that he can do a lot of things even if his eyes can't see.

And Mommy... Mommy is the person he cherishes most. If he can, he hopes he can be her own baby, so he doesn't have to worry that one day he may be sent back to the welfare home.

Mommy likes to hold him very much. When she sleeps, she often holds him. Sometimes when he suddenly wakes up, he will hear mommy's gentle voice.

Mommy said, "Xiaomian, I love you. You are the baby of daddy and me. Mommy is very grateful to God for letting us meet you."

But, Mommy, you know what? He just wants to thank God and let him understand what it feels like to be loved by daddy and Mommy.

"I know you're awake." a familiar voice whispered in Jun Heng Mian's ear.

Jun Heng Mian's body was stiff, and the voice was... "Daddy." he shouted softly, as if he was deeply afraid of startling the man holding his hand at the moment.

"Your eyes were so sore that you fainted before. The doctor has examined you. There's no big problem. You can leave the hospital tomorrow." Jun Jing apologized, "your mommy is worried about you. She won't go back to bed at night and insists on staying with you in the hospital."

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