"OK, I'll go to Dagu village now. Just stay at the residence. I'll bring Jisheng back." Yu Guheng said.

He can guess something. Jisheng doesn't let Yu Zimu and the driver follow. It's estimated that he also has a pain attack of his full moon blood curse. They will see it.

Yu Guheng returned to the restaurant and said to Kong Chengcheng, "Chengcheng, sorry, I have something urgent now. I have to go first. Thank you for your dinner today."

"Wait!" Kong Chengcheng had a problem with her intuition. "Is the place you're going related to what I just said?" otherwise, there's no need to make a phone call after listening to her.

Yu Guheng thought for a moment and then said, "yes, Qin Sitong should have gone to Dagu village with Han zixie's mother. Because Jisheng said he was going to Dagu village, I'm going to Dagu village now to avoid anything on Jisheng's road."

As a result, Kong Chengcheng grabbed his arm directly, "then I'm going with him?"

"What?" Yu Guheng was surprised. "Are you going too?"

"Yes, you're worried about Mr. Jun, and I'm also worried about Si Tong, so of course I'll go together."

Yu Guheng rubbed his forehead. He was worried about the attack of Jisheng's blood curse and the aftermath. If he took Kong Chengcheng with him, what should he do if Kong Chengcheng saw the attack of Jisheng's blood curse at that time?

But once Kong Chengcheng becomes stubborn, the nine cows can't pull back. Whatever Yu Guheng says, Kong Chengcheng just holds Yu Guheng's arm and doesn't let go. It's absolutely impossible to leave her.

Yu Guheng sighed and could only take Kong Chengcheng first. As for going to Dagu village, goodbye to the machine.

When they got on the bus, Kong Chengcheng quickly called home and said that she had something to do today and might come home later.

"Who are you now?" mother Kong said uneasily.

"Yu Guheng is by my side, mom. Don't worry." Kong Chengcheng said. His original intention was to say that he was very safe.

As a result, Kong Chengcheng was depressed because his mother said on the phone, "Chengcheng, my mother also knows that you young people are very open now. Your concept is no better than before. My mother is also happy to see you with Xiaoheng, but you should take good precautions yourself. Also, don't slip your tongue to your father when you come back. Your father's thought is more conservative than your mother."

Kong Chengcheng rolled her eyes, said directly, "Mom, you think too much!" and hung up the phone directly.

"What's the matter? What did your mother say?" asked Yu Guheng.

Kong Chengcheng's white eyes dumped Yu Guheng again. In the final analysis, my mother would say these words because Yu Guheng was so good at pleasing his parents that my mother had completely regarded him as a prospective son-in-law.

"Nothing, drive quickly." Kong Chengcheng said. Now she is still worried about Sitong. Dagu village is the small village Sitong used to know with Han Zixi!

Then why did Han Mu and Si Tong go to Dagu village now? And Jun Jisheng also chased him.

Kong Chengcheng bit her lips, hoping that everything would be her worry.


When Qin Sitong and Han's mother arrived at Dagu village, it was already dark. Today's Dagu village is much colder than it was in those days. Most people have gone to work in the city, and there are only some old people and children left in the village.

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