When they and the driver asked the villagers, Han's mother's cell phone rang, and a middle-aged man's voice came out, "madam, the young master... He and he are gone! The young master asked me to drive over, but just now I stopped and turned around, the young master disappeared. I heard a villager nearby say that the young master seems to have run up the mountain."

When Han's mother heard this, she was surprised. She quickly asked the driver's current specific location. Then they met the driver and finally determined that Han zixie should really go up the mountain, and go up the mountain alone.

Han's mother is now in tears. "What does he do up the mountain alone? His eyes can't see anything now. If he goes up the mountain and rolls down the mountain..." she can't imagine.

The mountain behind Dagu village is still in an undeveloped state. The trees and weeds on the mountain are all mud roads only after stepping on too many. Even a healthy person can easily fall down on such mountain roads, not to mention a blind person.

Qin Sitong stared at the mountain in front of him, and his memory was becoming more vivid. On that stormy night, she went to the mountain to find Han zixie.

After so many years, once again, did Han zixie go up the mountain when he was blind? What does he really want to do? Doesn't he know how dangerous it is for him to go up the mountain alone? Or

Qin Sitong gritted his teeth and said to Han's mother, who was already crying badly, "aunt, the most important thing now is to hurry up the mountain to find someone, but we have few people. Why don't we call the police first, and then give some money to let some adult villagers stay in the village help find them. Don't let the old people and children go up the mountain. It's easy to have accidents."

"Good, good..." Han's mother now recognized what Qin Sitong said. Qin Sitong asked a driver to help take care of Han's mother and go to the village to find someone, while another driver carrying Han zixie came here to call the police. As for herself, she planned to go up the mountain first.

Before, she also asked the farmers at the foot of the mountain to borrow a flashlight. Now Qin Sitong walked up the mountain path of yellow mud and weeds. It's always good to find it earlier.

Most of her memories of the mountain as a child are her memories of finding Han zixie and moving forward with Han zixie in the wind and rain, but she has almost forgotten the specific routes up and down the mountain at that time.

What's more, I don't know where Han zixie will go to the mountain. Qin Sitong can only walk aimlessly in the mountain now, shouting Han zixie's name, hoping to find it.

However, as he went deeper and deeper into the mountain, the uneasiness in Qin Sitong's heart was also expanding. On the mountain, weeds grew very high, and it was said that there were those intertwined trees. Even if Han zixie was really nearby, if he didn't make a sound, I'm afraid she wouldn't easily find him.

Here, Qin Sitong is looking for it in the mountain, while on the other side, Jun Jisheng's car has also driven to Dagu village.

The moon, already hanging in the sky, represents the beginning of the night of pain, and he is already on the road and has taken two tablets that can temporarily suppress pain.

All along, the jun family wants to develop a medicine that can replace the function of life and suppress the pain of the blood curse.

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