In the next few days, as Qin Sitong expected, Qiao Xuejiao found fault with her at work, and even made the office tense for a time. Brother Guan, the person in charge of the studio, also had a headache.

However, Qin Sitong did not see the move, plus Kong Chengcheng, Qiao Xuejiao's helper, Qiao Xuejiao didn't ask for a bargain most of the time.

Then Kong Chengcheng gave full play to her ability to collect gossip. One day, she said to Qin Sitong, "I finally know why Qiao Xuejiao is always targeting you."

"Oh? Why?" Qin Si Tong said.

"She likes Jun Jisheng. It's said that she went to Jun's group and wanted to see Jun Jisheng, but people didn't dump her at all. Later, she often ran there for various reasons and wanted to meet someone by chance. Once she sneaked into the restaurant of Jun's group and saw Jun Jisheng and learned some confessions. As a result, she was directly thrown out of the company by the bodyguard around Jun Jisheng. That's right Then it seemed that she was not allowed to go in there. "Kong Chengcheng said.

Qin Si Tong was surprised, "where did you hear all these things?"

"Don't you know that the Internet is developed now? Some things can be found by searching the Internet more. In addition, when I was in high school, a classmate happened to work in Jun's group now. I asked the friend if it was true, and she told me this as a joke." Kong Chengcheng said, "I said, when she came to the studio, she had such a bad attitude towards you. I dare to vent all her hatred for not eating grapes on you."

Qin Sitong smiled faintly and lowered her eyes. Even these days, she tried to forget Jisheng, but it seemed that her life was still influenced and shrouded by him.

Suddenly, Qin Si Tong's cell phone rang. She picked up her cell phone, but her face changed greatly. The cell phones in her hands were almost unstable.

When she finished the call, Kong Chengcheng hurriedly asked, "Si Tong, what's the matter?"

After a while, Qin Si Tong felt as if he had regained consciousness. With a trace of nasal sound, he choked and said, "my grandmother... Died."

It was the housekeeper of the Qin family who called her just now and said that she went there after lunch and took a nap... Grandma's health has been very poor these days. The doctor also said that she would go at any time with her current physical condition. Even though Qin Sitong was prepared, she still felt like a thunder when she really learned the news of her death, It seems that at this moment, the whole head is roaring.

Grandma... Is she dead? She smiles gently, gives her snacks, and sometimes looks at her old lady with the eyes she understands, so she leaves the world.

Qin Sitong asks for leave and quickly goes to the Qin family. Even if she has no blood relationship with the Qin family, even if she is not a child of the Qin family, she also wants to see her grandmother and give the old man a ride.

Because she knows that grandma is a person who is really good to her.

When Qin Sitong arrived at the Qin family, the Qin family had pulled up the black-and-white cloth. As soon as she stepped into the Qin family, she could hear the bursts of crying. When she came to the mourning hall, she only saw the picture of her grandmother, which was prominently placed in the center of the mourning platform. The old man, with his hair curled and smiling, still kept himself even though he was weathered and old That honor and dignity.

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