At the moment of seeing the portrait of old lady Qin, Qin Sitong's tears poured out uncontrollably, and the housekeeper nearby handed Qin Sitong a white filial piety suit.

This is a filial piety dress that can only be worn by the people of the Qin family and the immediate relatives of the old lady Qin. Therefore, when the housekeeper handed it to Qin Sitong, Qin Sitong was stunned. Qin Yaner, who had been guarding in front of the mourning hall, jumped up, "housekeeper Zhang, why did you give it to Qin Sitong? She is not qualified to wear this filial piety dress at all!"

Zhang Guan's family said, "I just follow my orders." the uncle in his mouth is naturally Qin Kaifeng, the ruler of the Qin family.

Qin Yan'er was stifled, and Qin Kaifeng said faintly, "I asked housekeeper Zhang to give filial piety to Si Tong." as he said, he walked up to Qin Si Tong. "Grandma liked you very much before she was born. You should send her well. I think she will be happy if she knows under the spring."

Qin Kaisong frowned and said, "brother, can think Tong wears filial piety clothes, which is fundamentally unreasonable!"

"Reason? And which reason?" Qin Kaifeng's eyes swept his brother coldly.

Looking at his eldest brother's obviously unhappy expression, Qin Kaisong naturally didn't dare to say anything more. Qin Sitong put on her filial piety clothes and stood silently on one side, while Qin Yaner stared at Qin Sitong angrily. She only felt that such a separated person was qualified to stand here in the same filial piety clothes as her?!

If you don't know, you will think Qin Sitong is the eldest miss of the Qin family!

Qin Sitong doesn't want to be fierce at all. Qin Yaner's malicious eyes don't want to take care of what the Qin family and other separated people think. Now she just wants to spend the last journey with grandma and keep the spirit.

Qin Sitong stood silently, and when someone came to offer incense, she gave a gift together with other family members.

In the evening, the Han family also came. The Han family and the Qin family are both rich families in J city. Naturally, they also have some friends. The Han family naturally wants to send off the death of old lady Qin.

Han zixie, his parents and some of the older generation of the Han family were all present. Han Zixi was slightly surprised when he saw Qin Sitong standing in front of the mourning hall in filial piety clothes.

After giving Mrs. Qin incense and paying three respects, Han Zixi went to Qin Sitong, looked at her tearful eyes and said, "don't be sad, the deceased is gone, and your grandmother certainly doesn't want you to be too sad about her."

Qin Si Tong choked and said, "thank you."

On such an occasion, Han zixie didn't say much. He only patted Qin Sitong on the shoulder, then took out his handkerchief and stuffed it into her hand.

But this scene made Qin Yaner feel even more unhappy! Before she read the gossip news, she knew that Qin Sitong and Jun Jisheng had broken up, and she clapped her hands to celebrate. After all, Qin Sitong is a poor separated girl. How can she live better than her own young lady?!

But now, in the mourning hall, the prince of the Han family even looked gentle to Qin Sitong, which made Qin Yaner's tone uncomfortable again.

"Qin Sitong, even if you want to attract people, don't be in front of grandma's mourning hall. What's the style! Do you want others to see our Qin family jokes!" Qin Yan'er said. She thought she spoke very well and directly put a big hat on Qin Sitong.

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