One question after another hovered in Kong Chengcheng's heart. Looking at his eyes, she suddenly became a little flustered, and an uneasy feeling hit her heart.

"I... I'll go to the bathroom." she hurried out of the lounge.

On the other hand, the press conference is over. Qin Sitong and Jun Jisheng walk towards the lounge. Qin Sitong wants to go to the lounge first to see how Chengcheng is.

When I first came to the stairway, I saw the position of the stairway on the upper floor. Qiao Xuejiao and Kong Chengcheng seemed to be arguing about something. Seeing Kong Chengcheng turn around and intend to go upstairs, Qiao Xuejiao deliberately bumped into Kong Chengcheng's direction, and then smiled, "I'm so sorry, I hit you!"

But at this time, who still had time to pay attention to her words, Kong Chengcheng stumbled and leaned back unsteadily. But at the moment, behind her was the steps. Qin Si Tong's eyes were red, and he only had time to shout, "Chengcheng!"

The whole man rushed to catch each other. At this time, Chengcheng can't have an accident!

Seeing Kong Chengcheng's falling body, it will hit Qin Sitong. Another figure suddenly pushed her away, and then rushed up the stairs for two steps. With a burst of impulse, Kong Chengcheng's body fell into Jun Jisheng's arms. Because of the impulse, Jun Jisheng's body also shook, but it finally unloaded the impulse.

Qin Sitong was pulled aside by Jun Jisheng just now and hit a wall on one side. One side of her arm hurt a little. However, at the moment, all her attention was focused on Jun Jisheng and Kong Chengcheng not far away.

OK, I got it! Got it!

Qin Sitong was about to relax when he found that Jun Jisheng didn't put Kong Chengcheng down, but took advantage of the situation to hold Kong Chengcheng up.

She hurried forward and only saw Kong Chengcheng's face, which was almost white without a trace of blood color, and her hands covered her stomach and groaned, "pain... Good pain..."

"Hospital, i... I'll call 120..." Qin Sitong was flustered. He quickly took out his mobile phone and wanted to dial the emergency call.

"I'll drive her directly to the hospital. You call Zimu and ask him to contact the nearby hospital." Jun Jisheng said calmly, then took Kong Chengcheng in his arms and walked quickly towards the place where he parked.

Qin Sitong hurried to keep up with Yu Zimu while walking.

At the moment, Qiao Xuejiao, who is still standing at the entrance of the stairs, is scared to death. She just has clear pores and can make Yu Guheng say that she wants to get married. She is angry that the other party has stepped on shit luck. The child in her stomach is really Yu Guheng!

When she met Kong Chengcheng on the side of the stairs, she naturally had to satirize each other. As a result, Kong Chengcheng said she was a mean person.

She rushed to her head and wanted to teach each other a lesson, but who could have thought that Kong Chengcheng would be so useless and would really fall down the stairs, but Qin Sitong and Jun always saw it.

What will happen to her? At this moment, Qiao Xuejiao was nervous.


While Qin Sitong was in the car, he tried to appease Kong Chengcheng. At the same time, he also called Yu Guheng and Kong Chengcheng's parents and asked them to go to the nearby hospital.

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