"Chengcheng, we'll be in the hospital soon. We'll be there soon! Hold on a little longer." Qin Sitong said.

At the moment, Kong Chengcheng desperately grabs Qin Sitong's hand, but she seems to feel no pain at all. She just hopes that Chengcheng and the children in Chengcheng's stomach don't have an accident.

"Si Tong..." Kong Chengcheng reluctantly opened his eyes and tears slipped down. The tears are pain or sadness... "The child... Will be fine, right? I... I can keep the child, right?"

"Yes, yes, it will be all right. It will be all right! Jisheng has found the best gynecologist in that hospital for you. It will be all right." Qin Sitong said hurriedly.

Like another sharp pain, Kong Chengcheng closed his eyes in pain and kept moaning in pain. Qin Sitong only hates his powerlessness at the moment.

Soon, the car came to the door of the hospital. A nurse was waiting at the door of the hospital with a stretcher. As soon as the car stopped, Kong Chengcheng was immediately transferred to the stretcher and carried into the hospital.

Qin Sitong and Jun Jisheng also followed in the past, and Qin Sitong's hand was always held by Kong Chengcheng until Kong Chengcheng was carried into the emergency room.

Qin Sitong and Jun Jisheng stayed outside the emergency room. There were obvious signs of being grabbed on Qin Sitong's hand. Jun Jisheng frowned slightly and held her hand up, "does it hurt?" when he asked this, his fingers gently brushed the red marks on her hand.

She took a slight breath. Until now, she felt the pain in her hand, but... "Compared with Chengcheng's pain, my pain is really nothing, you know? Chengcheng held my hand all the way, actually shaking all the time..."

"It should be safe." Jun Jisheng comforted. He was not good at comforting others, and his hand rubbed her hand and helped her spread the place she had just been caught.

Qin Sitong looked at the big hand that rubbed for her, and suddenly felt a sense of security in her heart, "just now, I'm really grateful to you. If it was me, I'm afraid..." she was still terrified at the thought of that scene.

If she picked it up herself, she might fall down the stairs with Chengcheng because of the impulse. At that time, Chengcheng's injury will only be more serious.

Jun Jisheng's eyelashes trembled slightly. At that time, his first reaction was that she couldn't get hurt. If she rushed up to pick up people like that, both people would be hurt, and the injury would be more serious.

What he wants is that she can't get hurt!

Suddenly, a figure rushed over, but Yu Guheng said, "where's Chengcheng? How's she?" Yu Guheng asked urgently. When he couldn't wait for Chengcheng in the lounge for a long time, he went out of the lounge to look for it.

As a result, before he went to the bathroom, he received a call from Qin Sitong. What Qin Sitong said on the phone made him crazy. He drove over quickly and prayed that she would never have anything to do.

"Chengcheng is in the emergency room now, and the doctor is checking and treating." Jun Jisheng said, and then gently patted the other party on the shoulder to signal him to calm down.

"If Kong Chengcheng sees your panic, she will only be more panic." Jun Jisheng said.

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