In the autumn of 2015, Xia Xiwan sat on the train from the countryside to Haicheng.

When she was nine years old, she was left in the countryside, and she was only taken back today. There was only one reason. The Xia family wanted to marry her daughter to Youlan garden to celebrate.

It is said that the bridegroom in Youlan garden is critically ill. The Xia family has two daughters who are unwilling to marry. Therefore, the Xia family took her back from the countryside and asked her to celebrate her marriage.

Xia Xiwan was sitting on the sleeper with a book in his hand. When the door was suddenly pushed open, the cold wind outside was accompanied by a sweet smell of blood.

Summer evening line raises Mou, see a tall and upright body to pour in from outside.

I'm unconscious.

Soon, several people in black rushed in, "boss, no one is going to send him directly to the netherworld."

"Who said nobody?"

The first scar man looks at Xia Xiwan.

Xia Xiwan didn't expect the unexpected sudden heat. The man who suddenly fell in her carriage brought her fatal danger. In the eyes of scar man, there was a strong intention of killing, and he obviously wanted to kill people.

Xia Xiwan looked at the weapons in their hands, and begged for mercy quickly, "don't hurt me, I didn't see anything."

Scar man stepped forward and looked at Xia Xiwan's small face. She wore a veil on her face. She could not see her real face, but a pair of Jian Tong Tong was revealed outside.

The Jian pupil is extremely clear and bright. Looking at the circulation, it even sways.

Scar man has never seen such a pair of beautiful eye son, a moment was captured in the heart, coupled with these days have not touched a woman, immediately the heart of evil ideas.

"Little beauty, we may not hurt you, but you must serve your brothers."

Xia Xiwan's long feather quick quiver, ChuChu pitifully said, "I don't want to die. I'm so afraid. As long as you don't hurt me, I will serve you well."

The girl's soft glutinous tender begging let the scar man can't help it any longer, so he directly pounced on it and pressed the summer evening clothes under his body.

"Boss, you come first. We'll send this man on the road, and then we'll have fun for the brothers."

In the countryside full of vulgar laughter and soft women, scar man put down his weapon and stretched out his hand to pull the buttons of Xia Xiwan.

But the next second, a little white hand came up.

The scar man raised his head and ran into the girl's clear and bright pupil. Now her pupil receded, frightened and weak, flashing cold broken light.


Scar man wants to open his mouth, but Xia Xiwan lifts his hand and stabs a silver needle into scar man's head.

Scar man closed his eyes and fainted to the ground.


Several men in black were startled and wanted to move forward, but the man who fell on the ground suddenly opened his eyes and grabbed the weapon in the hands of the man in black.

One by one, the men in black fell to the ground.

It's like lightning.

Xia Xiwan sat up. She knew that the man was pretending to be unconscious, and the blood on him was other people's.

Xia Xiwan looks up at the man, and the man is also looking at her. He has a pair of extremely deep narrow eyes, which are as sharp as falcons. There are two small abysses in the bottom of his eyes. Anyone who looks at him will be sucked down.

"Young master, we are late."

The rescuers arrived and began to deal with the aftermath in an orderly manner. His confidant handed a clean handkerchief to the man.

The man's action graceful wiped the hand, then strides the steady step to arrive in front of Xia Xiwan, the knuckle distinct finger pinches her small jaw.

He narrowed his narrow eyes and looked at her playfully. His voice was low and magnetic, "what do you think I will do with you?"

Xia Xiwan was forced to look up at him. He was tall and straight, handsome and extraordinary, and his aura was as strong and cold as night.

He had wiped his hands just now, but she could still smell the sweet smell and the cold and fierce air.

It's hard to get out of the way when you see what you shouldn't see.

This man, quite dangerous.


Xia Xiwan directly knocked down the man's hand, zhengse way, "wanton, but I want to marry into the Youlan garden bride!"

To marry the bride of Youlan garden?

A man picked a sword eyebrow, a little interesting, his bride?

"Are you from Haicheng? Then you should know that Xia's daughter is going to marry into Youlan garden. This wedding has caused a sensation in the whole city. I am the bride. If something happens to me, do you think you will have more trouble? Let me go, I see nothing and say nothing! "

Xia Xiwan now really want to thank her stepmother Li Yulan. Li Yulan took her back to Haicheng and only let her take a cheap train. However, the wedding she did was extremely luxurious and sensational, so as to gain her good reputation.

Xia's daughter married into Youlan garden, which is the biggest gossip news in Haicheng. Xia Xiwan is gambling. He doesn't want to get into trouble.The man looked at her with great interest. Today he was robbed and killed by his business rival. It was an accident that he met this girl.

Look at her 20-year-old girl, although her face is white and her clothes are messy, her eyes are bright and intelligent, and they are shining with bright light.

The key is his bride.

The man took back his eyes and took him away.

Xia Xiwan drags tight fingertip, slowly releases.

At this time, the man in front of you turned his head. He looked at her and said slowly with her lip language that she could understand, "we will meet soon."


Li Gong manor, the wedding of Xia family is held here today.

In the bridal lounge, Xia Xiaodie looks at her half sister Xia Xiwan. "Xia Xiwan, your mother died when you were nine years old. Later, she pushed her grandfather down the stairs with her own hands. Even the fortune teller said you were a disaster star, so she was sent to the countryside by her father. This time, if you don't want you to come back to celebrate, you can only stay in the country all your life It's not the daughter of Xia family, but a dog of Xia family

Xia Xiwan sits in front of the dressing table and says lightly, "who is your dog barking at?"

Xia Xiaodie fork waist, "the dog is calling you!"

Summer evening hook lips, "I know, so you don't have to call."

Xia Xiaodie knew that she was surrounded by Xia Xiwan. She looked at Xia Xiwan's bright Jian Tong. She came back wearing a veil, but showed a pair of eyes, which made people feel that she was a beautiful beauty.

Xia Xiaodie is so jealous that she wants to dig down Xia Xiwan's pair of Jian Tong. How can this country born Bunny be a beauty? She makes a mystery. She is an ugly girl!

"Xiwan, the auspicious time has arrived, and we can start!" At this time, Xia Zhenguo and Li Yulan came in with a group of distinguished guests. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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