Li Yulan is Xia Xiwan's stepmother. When she was young, she was a movie queen who was popular in the entertainment industry. Now she has two daughters and is still well maintained, just like a beautiful young woman with charm.

This Li Yulan is a junior superior, but she has a very high means. She not only succeeded in suppressing the junior three history, but also became the mother of the Xia family. She also made a living in the circle of rich wives by means of all kinds of exquisite means.

Today, Li Yulan did a very beautiful wedding. Even Xia Xiwan's wedding dress was custom-made from Milan. Everyone praised her.

Xia Xiwan pretends to know nothing, only reveals the shame of her daughter's home. She looks forward to the door, "the auspicious time has arrived, how The bridegroom didn't come to pick me up? "

As soon as the voice dropped, Li Yulan's face changed.

Everyone also looked at each other. What happened? Didn't the bride know that she was going to marry a terminally ill Ghost Husband?

She's going to celebrate. There's no bridegroom for this wedding.

Xia Zhenguo came forward, looking a little guilty and dodging, "Xi Wan, today's bridegroom The groom is not coming because he is not feeling well. Go straight. "

Summer evening line a stagnant, quickly clever smile way, "good, then I go."

Xia Xiwan got on the luxury car to pick her up.

Looking at the pretty shadow of Xia Xiwan, all the guests said that she was a native from the countryside. She was wearing a beautiful wedding dress. She was delicate and graceful, and her temperament was indescribable.

What's more, she's so cute and submissive that she doesn't know anything. Everyone starts to point and whisper when she looks at Li Yulan.

--- she's not a stepmother. She wants to marry her daughter with another daughter instead of her own.

Li Yulan's face became very ugly. The wedding was originally under her control, but Xia Xiwan changed the situation and embarrassed her. It seems that she underestimated Xia Xiwan.

However, there is a long way to go. She has many ways to cure her!


Xia Xiwan came to Youlan garden and entered the new house.

There was no light on in the new house. It was dark and the atmosphere was a little chilly.

Xia Xiwan a pair of black Jian pupil in the dark emitting jade and alert light, she came to the bed, faintly saw a man lying on the soft big bed.

This is her new husband.

Xia Xiwan reaches for his pulse.

But the next second, her slender wrist was a few slender fingers a buckle, spinning around, she has been pressed under the body.

Xia Xiwan was surprised and said that her new husband was a dying Ghost Husband. But now the fingers on her bright wrist are strong and strong, and she is clearly a very healthy man.

Who is he?

Xia Xiwan quickly bent his knees and went to the top of his body.

But the man's speed is faster, he easily evades her attack, bends the knee a pressure, directly presses her to be unable to move.

Quick, accurate and hard.

"Who are you? Let go of me

Xia Xiwan struggles hard, two people's bodies rub across the thin cloth.

Soon there was a deep and magnetic voice in my ear, "the new lady is so enthusiastic. Do you want to marry?"



Xia Xiwan suddenly thinks that the one who can appear in this room should be her new husband. However, her new husband has no physical problems and is a strong young man.

At this time, the man's slender fingers have fallen down her jaw to the buttons on her lapel, which are being untied one by one.

Xia Xiwan quickly seized his big hand, "I have not moved, what are you doing?"

"Shout, will you?"

Call it?

At this time, Xia Xiwan heard a sneaky voice coming from the outside of the new house. The maid grabbed Mrs. Lu and said, "old lady, this is not good. Let's go back..."

"Shh." The old lady made a hissing gesture angrily, "I'll listen to it with my ears, but I don't need to look at it with my eyes."

Mrs. Lu was listening to the window.

Xia Xiwan wants to get up to see the movement, but Lu Hanting pressed her fragrant shoulder with one hand and pressed her back, "call quickly."

Xia Xiwan guesses that he is going to make a play for the old lady outside. She needs her cooperation, but

"I will not."

Lu Hanting's deep and narrow eyes are as sharp as hawks and falcons in the dark. He looks at the girl under him, but he is 20 years old. Now his eyebrows are light and his eyes are reserved and indignant.

Lu Hanting's two big hands came to her skirt and pulled it out.


Xia Xiwan only felt that her skin was cool and her arm was in front of her heart. She was a girl in the end. She was frightened and exclaimed.

Lu Han Ting hook lip, "can you cry now?"


Summer evening Wan raises the eye, shameless!

Lu Hanting put his hands on her side and trapped her in his strong arms from a commanding position, and then imitated some extreme action.In such a dark room, the big bed is clucking by him. The summer evening is a girl, and her white earlobe is red.

"Keep shouting, or I'll be serious." At this point he made a low threat.

Xia Xi Wan Yu Jie trembles. She doesn't doubt his words at all, so she closes her eyes and cooperates with him to cry out.

Outside, Mrs. Lu put her hands together and Amitabha said, "great, my grandson is not gay or impotent. He's cooking meat! Blessed by my ancestors, I'm going to have a great grandson

Mrs. Lu danced happily, and soon left, and went to the ancestral hall to offer incense to her ancestors.

Xia Xiwan quickly stretched out his hand to push the man on his body. This time Lu Hanting also cooperated very much and let go of her.

With a crack, he turned on the wall lamp.

The dim yellow light was plated down, and Xia Xiwan sat up. She buttoned up quickly, covering her bright and moist shoulders and milk white delicate muscles.

She looked up at the man.

The man has been out of bed, showing a handsome face, he was born very handsome, facial lines such as Tiangong carved, every move shows the inherent thin cold sparse and cold expensive.

But Xia Xiwan has no time to appreciate the man's handsome face. On the contrary, her pupil shrinks slightly.

Because this man

"It's you!"

He's the man on the train!

He is her new husband!

Xia Xiwan knew she was going to marry a dying man. She made a lot of preparations, but she never thought it would be him.

On the train that day, she also yelled at him, saying that he was the bride who married into Youlan garden. At that time, he must have been watching her joke.

Lu Hanting thin lips hook out a smile arc, "recognize me, I said, we will meet soon."

His eyes show a bit of fun, housekeeper told him, Xia family for married over a country bumpkin.

If you want to get married, you can do it as long as grandma is happy.

What's more, she is still the native.

It's just, is she the way she is?

He could see with his own eyes how she let the scarred man fall on her on the train. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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