At this time, "knock knock" knock on the door sounded, outside the door came the housekeeper's voice, "young master."

Lu Hanting lifted his thin lips lightly, "into."

Fauber pushed the door in and said, "young master, little grandmother How to deal with it? "

Lu Hanting stands on the edge of the bed. The man is 1.87 meters tall. He has the simplest white lined black pants. But the expensive cloth looks like a handmade version. He is as tall as jade and has a distinguished temperament.

Lu Hanting's eyes drooped and his fingers skillfully flipped the shining silver button on his shirt sleeve. He looked at Xia Xiwan carelessly and said, "you don't know, there are two wolves in the backyard of Youlan garden. It's better to Throw you in for feeding? "

Xia Xiwan's heart is tight, this marriage is set by the older generation, Haicheng four big families, Lu, Gu, Huo, su.

The little Lord of the Lu family covers the sky with only one hand. It is said that he is the youngest and most beautiful generation of business tycoons. However, no one has seen his real face, which is quite mysterious.

Youlan garden is located in a remote place. It seems that it is not a rich family. The Xia family sent people to investigate Youlan garden, and only found that there were two grandsons in Youlan garden. This grandson is also the legendary ghost husband who is critically ill.

Li Yulan's biggest wish is to marry her two daughters into the four big families in Haicheng, Youlan garden. As a result, Li Yulan really wants to open the ancestral grave of the Xia family and ask how the older generation got engaged to this ghost marriage.

Li Yulan did not want her daughter to marry, but Xia Zhenguo was feudal and filial, and was not willing to violate the marriage contract made by the older generation.

Her daughter can't marry, Li Yulan thought of Xia Xiwan, so she took her back to celebrate her marriage.

So in Xia Xiwan's cognition, the man in front of her is absolutely not a dignitary, but she is confused at the moment.

In front of him, the man raised his feet and threw his feet with a sense of arrogance. From his bones, he exuded a cold and noble elegance, just like the king who gave orders. People could not help but worship him.

He also raises wolves in the backyard, wolves, which is not the entertainment of ordinary people.

Xia Xiwan wants to talk, but at this time, the man suddenly puts his hands on the table top, his eyes are light, showing a look of pain.

The housekeeper's face changed greatly, and quickly said, "young master, I'll call the doctor now!"

Summer evening Wan Cheng bright eyes move down, his two big hands on the table have been blue muscle jump, like a symptom of disease.

Is he sick?

And it's a terrible disease.

At this time, Xia Xiwan bumped into a pair of scarlet narrow eyes of a man. Lu Hanting turned to look at her and said to the housekeeper, "let her go!"

The housekeeper said quickly, "young granny, you go quickly."

Xia Xiwan knows that she can't go. This time she goes back to Xia's home with her purpose, and needs the identity of Youlan garden bride.

Xia Xiwan looked at Lu Hanting with bright eyes, without any evasion, "are you sick, what's wrong? I know a little about medicine and am good at acupuncture. I can treat you. "

Lu Hanting pursed his thin lips into a cold arc, and almost rolled out a word from his throat, "roll!"

Xia Xiwan not only did not roll, but also approached him, "just now I smell you have the taste of lily, Poria cocos, Gastrodia elata and other precious medicinal materials. These are all treatments Insomnia Chinese medicine, if I guess right, you should suffer from sleep disorders, can not sleep at night

The housekeeper looked at Xia Xiwan in shock, "little grandma, you..."

Xia Xiwan a pair of clear Jian Tong falls on Lu Hanting's handsome face, "what's your sleep disorder? Once the sleep disorder goes deep, it will seriously affect people's mental state. When the body is exhausted to the extreme, but there is no rest and relaxation, it will let you live in another self, that is gloomy, irritable, terrible, almost morbid

Lu Hanting's narrow and long eyes are more and more red, and his handsome eyebrows are covered with a layer of gloomy atmosphere. He reaches out and pinches Xia Xiwan's neck.

Tender, as long as he pinches her neck, she will die.

"Grandma, don't irritate the young master any more! Young master, let go of the young Granny The housekeeper was in a hurry.

The fresh air that can be breathed is more and more thin. Xia Xiwan's small face slowly turns red. However, she turns her small hand and quickly stabs a silver needle into Lu Hanting's acupoint.

Lu Hanting relaxed his hand and sat down on the sofa.

Xia Xiwan gasps heavily. This time she comes back, she doesn't want to lose her life here. She was also afraid just now.

This man is too dangerous, not to mention his mysterious identity, just sleep disorders can change him from an elegant and expensive man into a monster at any time.

However, she had no way out, she could only do her best.

Xia Xiwan adjusted his breath, came to his back, and then raised his white fingers on his temples to help him massage.

Lu Hanting closed his handsome eyes and covered the scarlet in his eyes. "Your treatment is to help me massage?"

"Be happy, you are the first man I massage."

"It's like you're not the first woman to give me a massage."“…”

There's no way to chat.

"Stay with me, we live in peace. You just ask me about my private affairs. I can help you act in front of grandma, and I can also help you treat insomnia. How about that?"

Lu did not speak.

When Xia Xiwan pushes a slender silver needle into Lu Hanting's brain acupoints, Lu Hanting closes his eyes and his head falls into the sofa.

Xia Xiwan quickly stretched out his hand and gently and gently caught his handsome face.

He fell asleep.

The Housekeeper on one side has been in a cold sweat. Other people don't know the identity of his young master. How can he not know that his young master is the young master of the Lu family and the favorite son of heaven. When he was a teenager, he played business and established Lu's myth.

No one dares to do this with his young master Negotiation, let alone a girl.

The girls who have been lucky to see the young master these years are all pink bubbles in their eyes, yearning, loving, and eager to rush into the young master's arms.

The young grandmother is so special that she is calm, calm and intelligent even in front of the sick young master.

What's more, the young master fell asleep!

Young master has not slept for a long time!

The masters who treat insomnia for the young master are all on the top of the world list, but they are useless. But the young master is asleep in the palm of his grandmother's hand!

"Little grandma..." The housekeeper said.

Xia Xiwan pastes the finger in the lip side to make a "hush" silent gesture, "go out, here I am."

I don't know why, the housekeeper felt that the little grandmother had a force to make people feel at ease, and he retreated obediently.


The room was silent.

Xia Xiwan let him have a rest in his hands for a moment. When he went into deep sleep, she put him into the sofa and covered him with a quilt.

Do all this well, summer evening clothes. Bed, into the dreamland.

At this time, Lu Hanting on the sofa slowly opened his eyes and woke up.

Lu Hanting got up and came to the bed, stretched out his slender fingers to uncover the veil on Xia Xiwan's face. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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