Lu Hanting looked at Huo Xize, "which hand dare you touch her? I'll chop your hand and sit back for me."

Hosizer: what's the situation?

Gu Yejin hid behind the golden glasses that pair of cold black eyes showed a little smile, "Xize, don't worry, sit down and watch the play."

Huo Xize can only suppress a stomach of doubt and sit down, you know, this little bully is not afraid of the earth, and he has been afraid of Lu Hanting since he was a child.


Xia Xiwan is here for an appointment. Of course, Li Yulan is here. The last time Xia Xiwan broke down, Li Yulan wants to see with her own eyes what tricks she can play.

At this time, Mr. Wang came late, and Li Yulan quickly said with a smile, "Mr. Wang, last time it was my Xi Wan's fault. I brought her to you to admit that I was wrong."

Mr. Wang snorted coldly, "the last time she nearly played me to death, is this account a simple apology can be written off?"

That day, the big wolf dog licked and licked on him, and the sharp teeth almost destroyed him. Mr. Wang was scared to urinate at that time.

As long as he thought of the embarrassing picture at that time, Mr. Wang wanted to play the summer sunset in front of him to death.

"Mr. Wang, what do you want?"

"This apology is too insincere. Let Xia Xiwan drink these bottles of wine first."

Li Yulan just wanted to promise, but Xia Xiwan said, "I don't know how to drink. Who agrees to drink?"

"You Li Yulan held back her anger and said with a smile, "Mr. Wang, do you want to change A more sincere way? "

Receiving Li Yulan's hint, Mr. Wang's squinting eyes quickly turned on Xia Xiwan's delicate and graceful figure, "well, let Xia Xiwan dance a steel pipe dance for me on stage, and the last thing will be written off."

Pole dance?

Li Yulan's eyes brightened. This is good. Pole dancing is a kind of erotic dance. It's those unscrupulous women who come to hook up with men. Her two daughters are famous ladies in Haicheng. They don't touch this kind of thing at all. Xia Xiwan is quite suitable.

"Xiwan, if you come to apologize, you should show sincerity. You can not drink wine, but you have to go on stage and Dance Pole Dance." Li Yulan laughs maliciously.

Xia Xiwan doesn't know what Li Yulan is thinking, but she grins and says, "OK, I'm going to jump."

Xia Xiwan stepped onto the stage.

At this time, it's still the music of heavy metals. Xia Xiwan wears a white dress tonight. Her white hands hold the steel pipe. She jumps forward, and her delicate body suddenly spins out of the arc in the air.

Just now, there was a lot of people in the bar. Now all the eyes are "brushing" and attracted. People are looking at the Xia Xiwan which is wrapped on the steel pipe. She is spinning, jumping, dancing, and her flexible body is folded into various beautiful postures.

Her pole dance is not gorgeous, but immortal.

Soon, the pole dance was over, and the summer evening line fell on the ground, and the crowd who had eased the gods sounded the tide of applause.

This pole dance is so good that I've never seen it.

Xia Xiwan came back, Wang Zong has been infatuated with fast saliva, "Xia Xiwan, I didn't expect you to dance so well, the last thing I don't care about, but you have to go back to my room with me, we have a good talk about Xia's medical capital injection."

Just now Xia Xiwan danced with her hands and feet and gave out a thin layer of fragrant sweat. She looked at Wang Zong's heart attacking appearance, "good, Mr. Wang will lead the way, I'll go with you."

Li Yulan's eyes become vicious. I didn't expect that after so many years, Xia Xiwan's dance is still so good.

Originally, she wanted to use the opportunity to humiliate her, but she showed her face.

Li Yulan will never forget that Xia Xiwan, once the little princess of Xia family, was brilliant since she was a child. At that time, the dance teacher taught palm dance. Her daughter Xia Yanyan came back to practice hard every night, but she couldn't dance well. Xia Xiwan could dance on tiptoe.

Nine year old girl, already has the potential to crown this 49 city.

Wait for a few more years, don't know how elegant?

Li Yulan thought that summer sunset had been abandoned in the countryside, but she really let her down.

Li Yulan has never had such a strong feeling, so want to destroy a person!

This evening, she will not let Xia Xiwan escape again.


In the box, Huo Beichen was shocked, "second brother, you can dance for the bride. After her, I'm afraid there is no steel pipe dance in this 1949 bar."

Gu Yejin will thin lips hook out a fun arc, "this summer family is also very interesting, since let Xia Xiwan to marry, want to bully cold Ting, you are a critically ill person, so turn around to let Xia Xiwan come out to accompany sleep, this daughter's ability, tut, I doubt that Xia Xiwan is Xia's own daughter."

"Second brother, Xia Xiwan has entered the room with Mr. Wang. Mr. Wang is holding a green cap in his hand. Do you want to wear it?"

Lu Han Ting slowly spit out a mouthful of smoke in his mouth, and then threw the butt in the ashtray. He glanced at Huo Xize, "don't talk if you can't speak."Huo Xize said twice, "second brother, as long as you give me an order, I will go to beat the general manager Wang all over the place to look for teeth."

Lu Hanting got up, "have a look."

Then he left.

"Hey, I've asked you to check in the room

Lu Hanting's upright body has disappeared in the sight.

"Brother Yejin, second brother, what's the situation? He's been vegan these years, but he's never seen a woman. Is it true that he's in love with this summer sunset

Gu Yejin put down the glass in his hand, "be more bold, your second brother is estimated to want to open meat."

Hosizer: shit!


At the door of the luxury box, Li Yulan warned, "Xia Xiwan, I hope you don't play tricks this time. You will serve Mr. Wang well and get the capital injection. I'll guard outside the door to see if you can grow wings and fly out."

Summer evening wan light hook a red lip, good play just started, how can she leave?

Xia Xiwan enters the room.

Mr. Wang can't wait to rush over, "little beauty, let me kiss one quickly."

Xia Xiwan perfectly avoided, "Mr. Wang, don't worry, I can't escape. I'll take a bath first."

"Wash together."

When Mr. Wang followed him, Xia Xiwan entered the bathroom and locked the door directly.

But the next second, Xia Xiwan slender feather agile move, because there are people in this bathroom!

Hands more than a silver needle, Xia Xiwan turned to stab that person's body.

At this time, a big hand with distinct bony joints quickly buckled her thin and bright wrist, and directly pressed her on the wall, "Mrs. Lu, you are really warm to me." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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