The familiar low-level voice rang out in my ear.

Xia Xiwan pupil shrinks, Lu Hanting?

She raised her eyes, and as expected, Lu Hanting's handsome and delicate face magnified in her sight.

"Why did you come?" Xia Xiwan's incomparable shock is really did not expect him to suddenly appear here.

Lu Hanting pressed her slender and bright wrists on the wall, and her tall body took a step closer and blocked her in the wall and her chest. "If I don't come again, grass will grow on my head."

"What do you mean?" Xia Xiwan did not react for a moment.

Lu Hanting stirred up his heroic eyebrows, "pretend with me? Who is that king out there? "

Xia Xiwan knew that he had misunderstood him. She quickly explained in a low voice, "I have nothing to do with that Wang general manager. I just come to deal with some things."

"Oh, you need to do pole dancing on stage to deal with things?"

"I..." Xia Xiwan wrung her eyebrows. "Mr. Lu, you are a bit overcautious today. Don't we have a peace agreement and don't ask about each other's private affairs..."

The next second in the sight of a black, Lu Hanting directly kisses her red lips.

Xia Xiwan long feather Jie flustered and trembled for two times, and quickly struggled, "Mr. Lu, you are a little too much."

Lu Hanting drooped his handsome eyelids and held her in his arms with a strong and tyrannical attitude, "does our peace agreement also include that I can't kiss you, now I kiss you, what can you do with me?"


He's playing rogue, isn't he?

"Mr. Lu, let me go first!"

Xia Xiwan reached his fine chest and pushed him hard. Suddenly, he heard a knock on the door during his struggle. Outside, Mr. Wang said, "Xia Xiwan, what are you doing inside? I seem to hear an abnormal sound."

Xia Xiwan breathed a tight, scared the whole person did not dare to move, "I I fell accidentally. It's OK. "

"Then you wash faster, I can't wait."

"I see."

Xia Xiwan is busy entertaining Mr. Wang outside. At this time, she feels that Lu Hanting's thin lips go down along her veil, and then she goes in

A soft lip, he kiss.

Last time in the car, he had no intention to kiss her, but it was all across the veil, but now it is different, he is really on the kiss.

Xia Xiwan's nervous little head "boom" suddenly becomes blank, she seems to smell his body that clean and clear man's breath, he smoked, but also lingering light tobacco flavor.

Lu Hanting didn't close his eyes. He looked straight at the girl's beautiful and dazzling eyes. Her eyes shrank suddenly, and the black water light pounded like a frightened deer. The purity was incomparable.

He recalled the way she had just danced on the stage, and how many men had been fascinated by the delicate demeanor of the weak Liu Fufeng. She was the evil girl in the book.

The housekeeper asked, what magic did she have?

The girl he met on the train, instead of the girl who married him, was just holding a wait-and-see attitude at the beginning.

But now all that flashed through her head was her beauty, intelligence, ease, and brilliance.

She was sometimes playful, sometimes cunning, like a little fox.

But for love, she is clean and beautiful like a piece of white paper.

Lu Hanting is a little confused. At this time, Xia Xiwan suddenly opens his mouth and bites his lip.


When Lu Hanting released her, he felt the corner of his lip was bitten. He had tasted the faint smell of blood.

"Are you a dog? You like to bite people so much." Lu Hanting raised his hand and stroked his broken lip.

Xia Xiwan was very angry, she snorted, "who let you bully me!"

Looking at the girl because of anger and showing a bit of lively eyebrows, Lu Hanting originally depressed heart suddenly became soft, "then I apologize to you, I'm sorry."

Xia Xiwan looked at him, "Mr. Lu, let's make it clear. Don't worry. I'm still landing as a wife. It's absolutely impossible for me to wear a green hat to you. But other men like me and have ideas about me. It's not my fault, so it can't be a reason for you to be suspicious and bully me."

Lu Hanting felt that he had been taught a lesson. He jokingly hooked his thin lip, "according to you, I can't be jealous?"

Eat Vinegar?

These two words let Xia Xiwan stagnate, so, just now he all sorts of performance is because Jealous?

She never thought he would be jealous for her.

At this time, the general manager Wang outside urged, "Xia Xiwan, are you ok? If you don't come out, I'll go in and we'll have a bath with mandarin ducks."

Wang always laughs obscenely.

Lu Hanting copied one hand in his trouser pocket, and slowly narrowed his deep narrow eyes. He opened his long legs and was about to go out.

Looking at his appearance of going out to fight, Xia Xiwan quickly pulled him in, "Mr. Lu, what are you doing?"Lu Han Ting sneered, "I didn't even want to take a bath with you. Why is he?"

Xia Xiwan's pretty face turned red, and in a low voice he comforted him, "Mr. Lu, don't be angry. I'll be angry for you later."

"Leave this man to me."

"No, Mr. Lu, as I said before, I don't want to rely on others to make myself timid and weak, so I'll take care of my affairs by myself. Don't interfere." Xia Xiwan insists.

Lu looked at her and didn't speak.

"You stay here, I'm out." Summer evening line opened the door of bath room and went out.


Wang Zong really can't wait. When he plans to enter the bathroom, Xia Xiwan comes out, "Xia Xiwan, why don't you take a bath?"

Summer evening Wan hook a red lip, "I suddenly do not want to wash."

"OK, OK. I'll wash it later, little beauty. Come on." Mr. Wang rushed up.

Outside the door, Li Yulan has been guarding, afraid of any more accidents, so she put her ears on the door panel to eavesdrop.

Suddenly there was no movement in the room.

A few seconds later, there was a bang, there was a strange noise.

What happened?

Xia Xiwan promised to come to the appointment. She was too straightforward. Li felt that there was a trick in it. Now she heard the strange noise, so she quickly set up the door and pushed open the door of the room.

"Mr. Wang, what's the matter?"

There is no one in the room.

There's no one in bed.

Li Yulan felt very strange. As soon as she turned around, Mr. Wang, who took off her coat, suddenly rushed up and hugged her. "Little beauty, come and have fun with me."

Li Yulan was thrown on the bed. When she was in a daze, the king who had a big head of beast and sex had pulled off the buttons of her clothes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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