
Li Yulan screamed and quickly kicked Mr. Wang. "Mr. Wang, let me go. You can see who I am. I'm not Xia Xiwan. You've got the wrong person!"

Wang always seems to have lost his mind and kept pulling Li Yulan's clothes. "Little beauty, don't struggle. The more you struggle, the more excited I am. Ha ha ha."

"Let me go! Help, help Li Yulan yelled.

At this time, "bang", the room door was knocked open, a group of uniformed police rushed in, "we received a report call, said that you are here in the Yellow trade, now we will take you back to investigate!"

The police subdued Mr. Wang.

Alarmed, Li Yulan quickly tidied up her clothes. "What's the Yellow trade? We don't have it. We don't want to go to the police station!"

"Please cooperate with the investigation and take it away!"


Li Yulan didn't know what happened. She was forcibly tortured by the police. When she passed the bar hall, everyone gathered around her.

Li Yulan was a film queen when she was young. Later, she married Xia Zhenguo and gradually retired from the entertainment industry. However, she is still an old actor praised by everyone.

Soon someone recognized her,

look, that woman is Li Yulan!

My God, what happened to Li Yulan and how was she taken away?

You haven't seen it. I heard that she and a store manager were opening a house and were arrested. The fat man in front of her is her lover.

Take out your mobile phone and take photos quickly. This news is so exciting!

Over the years, Li Yulan has spent a lot of money on public relations, and has been maintaining her reputation very well. Now she is caught because of the Yellow trade, and the melon eating people around her are still holding cell phones to face to shoot. She immediately collapses and screams, "don't shoot! You don't want to shoot any more! "


At this time, Xia Zhenguo was having dinner with several bosses in a six-star hotel. The old managers said with a smile, "Mr. Xia, why didn't Mrs. Xia come out today?"

When she was young, Li Yulan was a member of the entertainment industry. She had a lot of contacts and was exquisite. After she married Xia Zhenguo, she became Xia Zhenguo's right arm. She often participated in social activities and got a lot of sponsorship for Xia's medical treatment, which made her a good living.

Xia Zhenguo said with a smile, "my wife has something to deal with today, so she won't come here."

Everyone praised one after another, "Mr. Xia, these years a generation of film empresses are willing to become your virtuous wife. You are really a royal wife. Let's admire you!"

Xia Zhenguo loves vanity and his own face most. When he was said that, he was elated with a smile and his face was shining.

At this time, a string of melodious mobile phone rings, came to the phone.

Mr. Xia, is it Mrs. Xia calling to check the post? Don't leave. Let's listen to it to prove your innocence.

Xia Zhenguo was in such a good mood, he connected the phone, but also conveniently pressed the hands-free, "hello."

The voice at that end quickly passed on, and it was clearly transmitted to all the people's ears through hands-free. "Hello, is it Xia Zhenguo? Your wife Li Yulan has been arrested in the hotel room for suspected pornographic transactions. Please bring your lawyer to handle the procedures."

Suspected of Yellow trade?

Xia Zhenguo's whole body was frozen.

At this time, the several bosses have taken out their mobile phones, and the news that Li Yulan's yellow trade has been taken away has spread all over the network, and the airborne microblog hot search is the first.

In the photo, Li Yulan's clothes are not neat, and she is roaring when she collapses. However, Mr. Wang in front of her is not even wearing a jacket.

Netizens are all leaving messages,

I didn't expect that Li Yulan, an old dramatist, was old enough to have a house with a man secretly.

Li Yulan is a member of the entertainment industry. How clean can she be? If you take a look at her history, you will find that she was a junior professional when she was young.

Li Yulan seems to be married, and suddenly she sympathizes with her husband.

A few of the boss to a look, very want to smile, but see Xia Zhenguo that iron green face, they hold back, "Xia Zong, you hurry to go, bring back Mrs. Xia."


Li Yulan and general manager Wang were brought in, and soon Xia Zhenguo came with his lawyer.

After completing the procedures, Xia Zhenguo came to Li Yulan and said in a deep voice, "let's go."

Li Yulan followed Xia Zhenguo out of the hall all the way. She grabbed Xia Zhenguo's sleeve and said bitterly, "Zhenguo, I want to understand that all this is Xia Xiwan's conspiracy. She pretended to promise to keep the appointment, but in fact she designed to frame me up!"

Xia Zhenguo looked at Li Yulan coldly, "do you mean that you and general manager Wang fall on the bed, is Xiwan done?"


"Your scandalous airborne hot search, now has exploded, reprint discussion volume is nearly 100 million, this is what Xi Wan did?"

Li Yulan has a bad feeling about the Internet, but she didn't expect it to be so serious.

After so many years in the entertainment industry, she even reached the peak of traffic in this scandal.Li Yulan hated to pinch her nails into her hand. "Yes, it's Xia Xiwan who made all this. It's her..."

Xia Zhenguo raised his hand and slapped Li Yulan in the face.

PA, Li Yulan was directly overturned on the ground, Xia Zhenguo hit very hard, her mouth bleeding.

Li Yulan is confused. She has been very popular for many years since she got married. This is the first time that Xia Zhenguo started to beat her.

"Zhenguo, why do you Hit me? "

Xia Zhenguo gnawed his teeth, and his face was overcast. "Li Yulan, Xiwan has just returned from the countryside. What is her ability to do these things? I have raised you for so many years. Is that how you repay me? You have lost all my fame and face! "

Li Yulan knew that she had committed the taboo of Xia Zhenguo. Xia Zhenguo loved face too much. Now that he has become the laughing stock of others, she will naturally spread her anger on her body.

"I will let people press down the news on the Internet. Don't mention it again in the future. You should also give me some peace!"

With that, Xia Zhenguo left and left Li Yulan alone.

Li Yulan bite the teeth off blood, she called out a person's name Xia Xiwan maliciously!


After seeing a good play, Huo Xize almost clapped his hands and said, "second brother, this second sister-in-law is too tired to do harm. I'm afraid that her stepmother will not have a good life in this play."

Lu Hanting copied his hands into his trouser pockets, without any unexpected expression. His wife Lu surprised him every day.

She was like a mystery, slowly attracting him.

"I'll go first."

Lu Hanting wants to leave, but at this time there is a figure in front of him Summer butterfly.

Xia Xiaodie's heart is bad, but unfortunately she didn't inherit Li Yulan's mind. She is obstinate, self willed and jealous. She is quite unlovable.

She doesn't know what happened to her parents, because her heart is on Lu Hanting On little white face.

Xia Xiaodie took out a check, "little white face, this money is for you, you don't want to go with Xia Xiwan in the future."

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