Shuangshuang was scared to come out with cold sweat and stammered, "Zhou Director Zhou, Xi Wan is here, but Xi wan Xi Wan went to the bathroom

Shuangshuang really pinched a cold sweat for Xia Xiwan. She lied. She didn't see Xia Xiwan in the morning when she came in.

Now director Zhou and everyone are here, and her leading role has disappeared

Zhou Ping saw through shuangshuangshuang's lies at one glance. "Shuangshuang, you will lie now, and say, where has Xia Xiwan gone?"

"I I... "

At this time, the crowd of gourd eaters in the crowd said,

director Zhou, I said that the summer sunset line should not be afraid, so ran away in front of the battle?

I think it's possible. Xia Xiwan knows that she can't pass the spot check. She is afraid of making the joke worse, so she runs away.

Xia Yanyan has also come. As a privy new courtyard flower, she has been surrounded by stars everywhere. Now she stands in the middle, her eyes are shining with success. These three days, Xia Xiwan has been cleaning up, not to mention 12800 kinds of medicinal materials. She can't even say 800 kinds of medicinal materials!

Xia Yanyan came to Zhou Ping's side and wrung her eyebrows in a soft voice. "Director Zhou, I think wanwan is too tight. If she doesn't come, let's not embarrass her."

Zhao Liying quickly said, "Yan Yan, you are always so kind to others, but Xia Xiwan is ungrateful at all. Privy is the Institute of traditional Chinese medicine, which is a sacred place. If Xia Xiwan runs away, we will report criticism to her in the whole city, and the whole medical community will blacklist her!"

The consequences of Xia Xiwan's escape are very serious, so Xia Yanyan is relieved.

However, Xia Yanyan quickly showed a look of panic and tension, "director Zhou, is it really so serious? I think wanwan is just a naughty man for a while..."

Xia Yanyan's words have not finished, at this time a clear and beautiful voice came, "who is noisy in the early morning, don't quarrel, I have to sleep."

People are surprised, the voice is Summer sunset!

Shuangshuang quickly went to the front, and then stretched out his hand "Hua" to open the curtain, only to see a delicate figure lying on the bench of the pharmacy, which was the summer evening line.

The crowd took a breath of cold air,

My God, Xia Xiwan didn't run.

But what is Xia Xiwan doing, sleeping?

Xia Xiwan is really sleeping. Someone is noisy in her ears. She turns over with her eyebrows and looks for a comfortable position to continue sleeping.

Zhou Ping and the melon eating crowd came early in the morning, but the aunt was still sleeping.

Shuangshuang ran forward and pushed Xia Xiwan vigorously, "Xi Wan, don't sleep. Wake up quickly. Director Zhou is here!"

Shuangshuang is about to cry.

Xia Xiwan shudders. When she opens her eyes, she hears Zhou Ping's unbearable reprimand. "Xia Xiwan, you are still sleeping in the morning. Have you forgotten what day it is?"

The drowsiness in Xia Xi Wan's eyes suddenly disappeared. She stood up quickly, like a wrong child, looking at Zhou Ping, "Zhou Director Zhou, I'm sorry... "

She just went to bed in the early morning. She was so sleepy.

"Enough!" Zhou Ping interrupted her, "Xia Xiwan, I don't want to waste any more time on you. Now I'm going to check on you. If you can't answer or you answer wrong, please leave the Privy immediately and bear all the consequences!"

Xia Xiwan quickly straightened her delicate back, "yes, director Zhou!"

Shuangshuang looks at Xia Xiwan, who has just woken up, and has no time to wash his face. Shuangshuang is really going to cry. Xiwan, you should ask for more happiness.

Zhou Ping sat down, she began to spot check, "Xia Xiwan, which cabinet is Angelica in?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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