Although we are very afraid of Zhou Ping, we still like Zhou Ping's work efficiency. When we say that random inspection is conducted, we directly ask where angelica is.

In fact, there is no suspense about the results of today's spot check. It takes three days to memorize 12800 kinds of medicinal materials. It is impossible for individuals to do so, not to mention the waste of Xia Xiwan.

The result of this spot check is sure to lose.

So Zhou Ping asked Danggui how many cabinet, everyone showed a smile, the whole waiting to see Xia Xiwan out of embarrassment.

In people's eyes, Xia Xiwan's lips were not in a hurry, and he replied word by word, "Danggui is in the 63 medicine cabinet on the left side."

63 medicine cabinet?

Shuangshuang quickly ran to open No. 63 medicine cabinet. She closed her eyes and prayed that it must be Angelica sinensis!

"Director Zhou, there is Angelica in the medicine cabinet No.63!"


Everyone sucks, Xia Xiwan unexpectedly Right answer?

This This is absolutely blind!

Zhou Ping also slightly surprised for a while, she did not expect Xia Xiwan even hit the right, she quickly asked, "what is in 304 medicine cabinet?"

Xia Xiwan's reply was as good as flow, "there is crystal stone medicine crystal mica in 304 medicine cabinet."

Shuangshuang quickly ran over and opened the No. 304 medicine cabinet. "Director Zhou, it's crystal mica. Xiwan is right again!"

Oh, my God!

People looked at Xia Xiwan like a ghost, but she was right again?

Zhou Ping asked again, "in which medicine cabinet are epimedium, silymarin and Rauvolfia respectively?"

Xia Xiwan, "epimedium, silymarin and Rauvolfia are in the medicine cabinet 749009750 respectively."

Shuangshuang ran to the test and couldn't help cheering, "Xiwan is right, Xiwan, you are so wonderful!"

People have changed their faces. Xia Yanyan subconsciously pulls her fist. She looks at Zhao Liying.

Zhao Liying quickly drove shuangshuangshuang away. "Shuangshuangshuang, you and Xia Xiwan are good friends. Maybe they colluded in cheating. Now I'll test it."

Zhou Ping asked again, "what are in 6734446901 medicine cabinet?"

Xia Xiwan looked at Zhao Liying with a smile and raised his chin. "6734446901 are Astragalus membranaceus, Artemisia selengensis and red stone grease respectively."

Zhao Liying opened 673, is Astragalus, he pulled 444, is a pole on the snow, this is impossible, this is impossible

Zhao Liying's mentality was a little broken. At first, he thought Xia Xiwan was flustered, but he forgot the probability ratio between 12800 kinds of medicinal materials and 12800 medicine cabinets. He went to Mongolia to have a try.

No one can memorize the 12800 herbs in three days, no one!

Zhao Liying opened the No. 6901 medicine cabinet, because the action range was too large, the red stone grease inside fell directly on the ground and broke into his sight.

Zhao Liying's legs softened and nearly collapsed on the ground.

Xia Xiwan looked at Zhao Liying coldly, "group leader Zhao, do you still suspect that I collude with shuangshuangshuang to cheat? You have June cold in 7501 medicine cabinet, Phoenix clothes in 30 medicine cabinet in southeast direction, and xuanming powder in No. 99 medicine cabinet on director Zhou's right hand side..."

Zhao Liying doesn't believe it. He thinks it's all fake, so he keeps checking with Xia Xiwan's voice. He doesn't know when his clothes are all wet, so he can only gasp against the wall in confusion.

People are shocked to see Xia Xiwan. Although they still can't believe it, they have to admit that Xia Xiwan really only took three days to memorize the 12800 kinds of herbs. She passed the test of Zhou Ping!

This summer evening, she is Who is it? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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