Xia Xiwan looked at Zhou Ping with a pair of clear and clear eyes. "Director Zhou, do you want to spot check me? I have memorized all the 12800 kinds of medicinal materials. You can do random sampling."

Zhou Ping can't help but look at Xia Xiwan with some new eyes. In her opinion, this is an impossible task, but she has completed it.

This girl is appointed by the president. Is there any real talent?

Zhou Ping uses her brain to search for some medical information related to Xia Xiwan, but she can only think of two things: Xia Xiwan just came back from the countryside and graduated from high school.

Zhou Ping frowned, "Xia Xiwan, Congratulations, you have passed the customs, you can stay in privy practice."

"Wow, that's great. Xi Wan, my gambling money has doubled many times. I'm going to make a fortune. How many people bet that you lose, and you slap them in the face again!"

Shuangshuang ran over and hugged Xia Xiwan. She also took a look at Xia Yanyan.

Xia Yanyan heard everyone's comments,

it seems that Xia Xiwan is hidden.

She is really powerful. This is 12800 kinds of medicinal materials. She really became famous in the Privy privy war today, setting a record.

Xia Yanyan is the flower of our hospital. It seems that Xia Xiwan looks good.

At the beginning of everyone's prejudice towards Xia Xiwan has gradually changed at this moment, and even some people appreciate Xia Xiwan.

Zhou Ping got up. "Xia Xiwan, you can't be proud. You've just entered the door now. Because you don't have any education background and medical experience, everything has to start from the beginning. I'm looking forward to your progress. At the same time, I hope you don't make mistakes, or you'll leave the privy."

Xia Xiwan's eyebrows and eyes curved smile, "it's director Zhou, thank you."

Zhou Ping left.


As soon as director Zhou left, someone stepped forward, "Xia Xiwan, you are also our junior sister now. Welcome to join us."

"Xia Xiwan, can you tell me quietly how you memorize these 12800 kinds of medicinal materials? I want to challenge your record."

Xia Xiwan picked out a willow eyebrow and laughed playfully, "I will learn from my senior brothers and sisters."

As a result, Xia Yanyan, who was just surrounded by all the stars, was left alone. She was frozen in place and looked at the way everyone turned around Xia Xiwan. She hated her teeth.

Everyone slowly dispersed, and Xia Yanyan came forward, "wanwan, congratulations. I always believe in you. I knew you could pass this pass."

Shuangshuang: she has never seen such a shameless person.

Xia Xiwan looked at Xia Yanyan and said, "Xia Yanyan, are you tired? It's a pity that you don't go to act."

Xia Yanyan wants to talk, but at this time she suddenly sees the string of only love hanging between Xia Xiwan's neck.

Xia Yanyan's heart leaps. A few days ago, she and Huo Xuan saw this string of only love. TIFF's precious necklace is unique in the world. At that time, she and Huo Xuan fell in love at first sight. At that time, several Haicheng celebrities went shopping together and everyone was discussing only love.

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