Xia Xiaodie is greatly hit, she is rejected by her favorite little white face and humiliated by Xia Xiwan. She leaves the bar indignantly.

At this time, a few scumbags came in front of her and surrounded Xia Xiaodie directly. They looked at her in color, "little girl, alone, do you want us to play with you?"

Xia Xiaodie is the daughter of Xia family. She has been well protected since she was a child. She has never met this kind of danger. She is so scared that she says, "who are you? I don't want you to play with me. Go away and help me!"

Xia Xiaodie has her own driver. The driver sees that Xia Xiaodie is in danger and quickly runs over, "let go of the second lady!"

But the two gangsters soon knocked the driver down and kicked him several times.

Xia Xiaodie even stopped breathing, "help, help Oh

The gangster directly covered her mouth and dragged her to a dark corner. Then he reached out and touched her small face. "The skin is very slippery. It should be more slippery. We will play with you and take some pictures for commemoration. If you miss you, I will call you. Ha ha ha ha."

The little gangsters laughed dirty.

Xia Xiaodie is covered with her mouth and can't make a sound. She usually hates these men with low status. What she wants to marry is one of the four big families in Haicheng. These dirty men don't deserve to touch her.

Now they were touching her face, and she felt cold in her bones. She shivered with fear, and she sobbed for mercy.

"Little girl, the skirt is very short. I came to this bar to hook up with men. Why don't we take off now?"

Xia Xiaodie is indeed dressed up carefully, just for the sake of Lu Hanting. Now she feels that someone is pulling her skirt. She struggles desperately and tears come out.



At this time, the ear rang a good voice, "let her go."

Small gangsters hands a loose, Xia Xiaodie directly paralyzed on the ground.

Xia Xiaodie tearful hazy eyes, startled to look up, in front of saw a beautiful figure, is It's hosizer!

Xia Xiaodie's pupil shrinks. She knows Huo Xize, the prince of Huo's family, and the little overlord of Haicheng.

Huo Xize came to Xia Xiaodie with his cigarette in his hand and looked at her from a commanding position. "Miss Xia Er, this is just a small warning to you. Don't think about the people you shouldn't think about, so as not to be bored."

With that, hosizer threw his cigarette end on the ground and twisted it out with his shoes. "Let's go."

Everybody's gone.

Xia Xiaodie sits on the ground, gasping for breath. She doesn't know where she offended huoxize.

At this time, a luxury car galloped by the street. Xia Xiaodie raised her eyes and saw a handsome face in the driving window Lu Hanting.

It's him!


Back in the Youlan garden, Xia Xiwan enters the room. She takes out her mobile phone and sends a voice wechat: Lingling, thank you this time.

Li Yulan is an old actor in the entertainment industry. She has a lot of contacts and a strong public relations team. Usually, if there is any black material that hasn't burst out, she will be public relations. But this time, her affair with Mr. Wang can be triggered by microblog hot search, which depends on one person.

This person is Xia Xiwan's best friend Ye Ling.

Xia Xiwan plays with Ye Ling in kindergarten. The two girls say nothing. Later, Xia Laozi has an accident, and Ye Ling is the only one who always believes in her.

She was sent back to the countryside when she was nine years old. Ye Ling saw her off with crying nose. Every holiday these years, Ye Ling relied on her to cheat on food and drink.

Soon, the reply came. Xia Xiwan opened, and the soft and sweet voice of Ye Ling quickly came to Wan Wan. Do you still need to be polite between us? Don't worry. This matter was done by my gold medal agent himself. Xia Zhenguo will not find out anything.

Ye Ling's voice is very good, that is, a man will be crisp after listening to his bones.

Of course, Ye Ling's appearance and voice are absolutely matched. As the first beauty of this 49 City, Ye Ling made her debut in the entertainment industry two years ago and is now a hot four little girls.

This time, Ye Ling left Xia Zhenguo nowhere to be found. Although Li Yulan would doubt it, Xia Zhenguo would never believe that her daughter, who came back from the countryside, would have the ability to play in the entertainment industry.

Xia Xiwan is very moved: Lingling, when will you return to Haicheng?

Ye Ling raised her eyebrows at that end, and her voice became charming. How did she miss me? I heard that you have a new love, how can you think of my old love?

New love?

I haven't got summer sunset.

Ye Ling, you are flustered, you are flustered.

Xia Xiwan doesn't know what to return.

Ye Ling's voice is coming. Come on, tell me about your little white face.

Sure enough, Ye Ling said Lu Hanting

Ye Ling is the most beautiful woman in Haicheng. Although she is a goddess, she likes gossiping in private. It is estimated that someone has already sent her gossip to her ears.At this time, the door of the room was suddenly opened, and a tall and upright body came in. It was Lu Hanting who came back from the study.

Perhaps it is a guilty heart, just now also lying on the bed of the summer evening line instantly play sit up.

Lu Hanting walked into the room, raised his slender fingers and untied the two buttons of his black shirt, revealing the exquisite collarbone of the man. At this time, he turned his head and looked at the girl beside the bed. Before Xia Xiwan could take back his eyes, he suddenly ran into his narrow eyes.

Four eyes relative, Lu Han Ting hook lip, "what?"

"No No Summer twilight dodge way.

At this time, "Ding Ding" twice, her wechat rang.

Lu Hanting's eyes fell on her mobile phone, "why don't you look at the information?"

"It depends."

Xia Xiwan points to open Ye Ling's voice: Wan Wan, I can trust your eyes. Is the little white face you keep handsome, good-looking, good-natured, and the key is male dog waist?

Listening to Ye Ling say the last three words with an extremely ambiguous tone, Xia Xiwan's pretty face "Teng" burst into flames and almost threw out his mobile phone.

In a hurry, the next voice has been played. Gonggouyao, you know, we made an appointment when we were watching kung fu movies. We must find the man with good physical strength ~ ~

the room is silent.

Xia Xiwan put the mobile phone into the quilt, hoping to find a hole in the ground to drill.

It's nothing to discuss between friends, but it's embarrassing to be heard by the party.

"That Mr. Lu, I'll go first Take a bath... "

Xia Xiwan ran into the bathroom.

She stood in front of the washstand to get the towel. She only felt that her fingertips were steaming hot. Then she saw Lu Hanting in the polished mirror. He walked over with a steady step, his hands folded in his trouser pockets and half reclined by the door.

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