Xia Xiwan looked at him. The tall and long legged man stood against the light. The bright light plated his handsome three-dimensional side face with a layer of gold. The man in black shirt was a little more mysterious than usual.

Xia Xiwan's eyes quickly glanced down, his waist was tied with an expensive pan cold black belt, outlining the fine and tight waist line, en It's from Ye Ling's mouth The dog is waist down.

God, what is she thinking?

Realizing that he had been taken away by Ye Ling, Xia Xiwan quickly stopped his own wishful thinking and asked in his usual tone, "Mr. Lu, what are you standing there for?"

Lu Hanting looked at the girl Yingying eyes overflow of the broken light, pick eyebrow way, "I seem to see a little cat, there meow meow."

What what?

Lu Hanting, "call for spring."

These two words fall, Xia Xiwan small face burst red, directly in the hands of the towel hard hit the man's handsome face.

Lu Hanting did not hide, the towel hit his face and fell on the carpet. He rolled magnetic laughter from his throat and laughed at her.

Xia Xiwan reaches out and closes the door of the bathroom.

But with his knees half bent, he pressed against the door, "angry?"

Xia Xiwan snorted and ignored him.

"I'm going to fly abroad on a business trip. I'll be away for a few days."

Xia Xiwan looks up quickly. Is he going on a business trip?

This is his first business trip.

Xia Xiwan no longer makes mood, "when are you going?"

"I'll leave later."

"So soon Then you should pay attention to rest and don't be too tired

"Nothing else to tell me?"

Xia Xiwan thought for a while, and had nothing to say, so she shook her head and said, "no more..."

Lu Hanting clasps her slender Hao wrist and gently pulls it. Xia Xiwan's delicate body directly falls into his arms.

Xia Xiwan quickly stood up straight, "Mr. Lu, what are you doing..."

Before he finished speaking, he took her little hand and put it on his fine waist.

The soft palm of her hand touched his strong and strong muscles through the thin cloth, which was full of man's strength. Xia Xiwan felt that her fingertip had been electrified and ignited quickly. She was scared to retreat.

But Lu Han Ting pressed her, did not allow her to shrink back, thin lips stuck to her red ear, lowered his voice and said, "is it what you want?"

Xia Xiwan knows that he will eventually hear the voice in his heart, even more embarrassed, "Mr. Lu, we are playing, you first let me go!"

At this time, "knock knock" knock on the door also sounded, Fubo respectfully said at the door, "young master, the special plane is ready, it's time to start."

Lu Hanting loosened the summer evening line, "don't look at those again in the future, call me if there is any problem that can't be solved."

With that, Lu Hanting left.


Xia Xiwan takes a bath and goes to bed. She takes out her mobile phone and changes the topic with Ye Ling. Ye Ling finally sends a message: wanwan, I have to shoot a play abroad for a period of time. I have already sent someone to dig the black material of Li Yulan. This is an old fox. It takes some time to dig it. Then I will tear Xia Yanyan's Whore together with you!

With such a good friend, Xia Xiwan immediately returned to a big MUA in the past.

To sleep, Xia Xiwan but can't sleep, close his eyes are parting, Lu Hanting will her in the arms, press her hand let her touch his waist, but also life in her ear to ask that is what you want?

He is very confident!

What's the meaning of not seeing those again?

She didn't really look, it was On her 18th birthday, Ye Ling pulled her into the room mysteriously

Finally, he said, call him if there is any problem that can't be solved.

Xia Xiwan closed her eyes and suddenly felt at ease. She fell asleep with her lips.


I went to bed late last night, so I got up late the next summer evening. I was still woken up by a string of melodious cell phone ringtones.

Someone called her.

Xia Xiwan opened his bleary eyes to touch the mobile phone, then pressed the button to connect, "hello."

The voice of Li Yulan's gentle voice passed over, "Hello, Xiwan, it's me. I didn't disturb you to have a rest."

Li Yulan and Wang Zong's affair can be said to be greatly hurt, now she deliberately put a soft voice, but Xia Xiwan heard a stream of resentment, but tried to bear it, Xia Xiwan was in a good mood, sweet response, "aunt, do you want me to do something?"

"Xiwan, this is Xiaodie's birthday. We have a birthday party for Xiaodie. We want to invite you to join us. Are you free in the evening?"

Li Yulan invited all of them. It must be a Hongmen banquet. But Xia Xiwan felt that he had no reason to quit without fighting. "When you are free, auntie, tell me the address. I will go on time in the evening.""That's great. Xiwan, Xiaodie's birthday party was held in the six-star hotel of Dihao."

"Imperial six star hotel?"

"Yes, Xiwan, this imperial six-star hotel is the best hotel in Haicheng, and it is also an industry under the name of Lu family, the first tycoon in Haicheng. Generally, the gathering of officials and dignitaries in Haicheng is there. Zhenguo attaches great importance to Xiaodie's birthday and has spent a lot of money to reserve a luxurious private room there. Xiwan, you have just come back from the countryside, and you certainly haven't seen the Imperial Hotel. You can have a good time tonight It's been a long time. "

Xia Xiwan is going to laugh. It turns out that Li Yulan made this call to show off.

On the day she came back from the countryside, she once saw the imperial six-star hotel in her car, which was located in the most prosperous area of Haicheng. The design of the pyramid was high into the cloud, luxurious and brilliant.

The driver told her that it was the Grand Hotel, owned by the richest man in the city.

Xia Xiaodie's birthday party was held in the Imperial Hotel. Xia Zhenguo spent a lot of money to show her love for her daughter. Li Yulan really has the capital to be proud of.

"I really didn't have a chance to see the legendary Imperial Hotel, so I'll see you in the evening, auntie."

Xia Xiwan hangs up the phone and gets up. She opens the clothes storage room.

When she married, there was a separate locker room for her in the room. This was the first time she had come in to look for an evening dress.

But when she went in, Xia Xiwan was shocked. There were a lot of famous dresses and skirts hanging on the hangers in rows, high-heeled crystal shoes in the window, and bags

This is probably It's a closet in the dreams of all women.

Xia Xiwan opened a wardrobe, which made her face red.

There are all kinds of silk and lace pajamas in this wardrobe, pure, sexy and everything.

Who prepared this?

Is it His taste?

Ye Ling said that the more serious the surface is, the more ascetic a man will feel when he is wrapped up in his pressed shirt and trousers.

Xia Xiwan quickly closed the wardrobe, then picked out a long skirt to change, went to the imperial six-star hotel.

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