Dihao six star hotel.

Xia Xiwan enters the hall and wants to take the elevator upstairs, but at this time an acquaintance comes, Kong zhen'er.

"Xia Xiwan, are you here? Take a good look. This is the imperial six-star hotel. If it wasn't for Xiaodie's birthday today, you, a country bumpkin, would never have been able to come to such a high-level place for a lifetime Kong zhen'er said with a proud smile.

Xia Xiwan pressed the elevator key and pretended to sigh, "whose pug is this? The chain is not locked. You can put it out to bite people."

Kong zhener's face changed, "you!"

Soon Kong zhen'er saw the white lace dress on Xia Xiwan's body. She was surprised and quickly said, "Xia Xiwan, where did you come from? This is the global luxury brand moo. Your skirt is the show dress of MoO this summer Milan fashion week. I saw it in fashion magazines two days ago. How did you wear it?"

Kong zhen'er is the true love powder of moo. It is not only her, but also the new style of MoO every season. The famous ladies of Haicheng will spend a lot of money to buy it through various channels. As long as anyone buys it, they will show off.

It's a pity that the style of MoO is too high and its value is too expensive. It has always been a high-end luxury line, and there are still limited models, so there are too few people who can handle moo.

Kong zhen'er didn't buy a skirt.

Now, moo this summer's show style is worn on Xia Xiwan, a country bumpkin. She is really shocked.

Xia Xiwan also knows that this is moo. She is wondering if she tells Kong zhener that she has not only one moo, but also a box at home, will Kong zhen'er faint on the spot?

However, the moo was prepared by Lu Hanting for her, not her own, and not suitable for attacking others.

Looking at Kong zhen'er's shock and envy, Xia Xiwan walks into the elevator, her light smile, "want to know? I won't tell you. "

Kong zhener's mood is too complicated. She really hates the Xia Xiwan in front of her. She especially looks at Xia Xiwan's delicate and graceful figure. Her jealous eyes are burning, "Xia Xiwan, you must be wearing a high imitation."

With that, Kong zhen'er also entered the elevator. She stretched out her hand and pulled Xia Xiwan's long skirt and tore it.

Along with the sound of cloth rupture, Xia Xiwan's long skirt immediately broke a hole.

Summer evening Wan Cheng bright Jian pupil suddenly a cold, "Kong Zhen Er, what do you do?"

Kong zhen'er smiles fearlessly. "Xia Xiwan, what are you talking about? I don't understand. I didn't do anything. If you say I tore your skirt, do you have a certificate?"

Xia Xiwan comes forward and grabs Kong zhen'er's skirt and tears it.


Kong zhener's skirt is also broken.

"Xia Xiwan, you!" Kong zhen'er was so angry that she didn't expect Xia Xiwan not only to be quick witted, but also to be so shrewd. She started to return it directly.

Xia Xiwan sneered. She always felt that it was necessary to do something sometimes. "Have you ever tried to reason with a mad dog? No, I was bitten by a mad dog. I should take the stick and hit it back

Kong zhen'er was almost mad. She was crushed to death by the country bumpkin he despised.

At this time, the elevator arrived, the door opened, and Li Yulan quickly welcomed her, "Xi Wan, how can your skirt break, how can you participate in the birthday party? In this way, you can go upstairs to change a skirt. There are several spare skirts upstairs. You can choose which one looks good."


Xia Xiwan went upstairs. There were some beautiful skirts hanging in the room upstairs.

At this time, a maid said, "Miss Xiwan, this dress is the most beautiful. You can choose this one."

Xia Xiwan takes a look. The dress in the maid's hand is a pink princess skirt with diamonds, which is also moo's. it is the kind of little princess wearing at the birthday party.

Summer evening line bright eyes flash a glimmer of smile, picked up another skirt, "I don't like that one too much, I still wear this skirt."

The maid was in a hurry. "Miss Xiwan, this dress is much more beautiful than your one. You'll wear this one."

Xia Xiwan looked at the maid, "it's just a skirt. What's your hurry?"

When Xia Xiwan looked at her like this, the maid felt that her eyes were too clean, black and white, not stained with dust, as if she had seen through something.

The maid said with a smile, "I don't have any. I just want miss Xiwan to dress up and go to the party and let everyone praise you."

Xia Xiwan nodded, "Oh, since all this has been said, how can I live up to this kindness? Just wear this skirt. I'll change clothes, and you'll wait outside."


At the birthday party, Xia Zhenguo really put a lot of money into the show. He invited Haicheng's famous lady, Qianjin boss and his rich wives to come over. The scene was full of laughter and low eyes.

Today's little princess Xia Xiaodie is surrounded by a group of gold. Seeing Li Yulan coming down, Xia Xiaodie quickly runs to take Li Yulan's arm and asks in a low voice, "what's the matter, Ma? Has Xia Xiwan worn that princess skirt?"Li Yulan nodded with a smile on her face

"Great, we ate so much on Xia Xiwan. Thanks to her, she must be killed today. It's a pity that the princess dress of MoO has not been worn yet."

Li Yulan ordered Xia Xiaodie's head. "I can't bear the child to hold the wolf. When the reputation of Xia Xiwan gets bad, mom will try to get you a moo skirt."

Xia Xiaodie is happy and sticks to Li Yulan to act as a coquette, "Mom, you are very kind to me."

"All right, get ready. The summer sunset will come down later, and the good play will begin!"


Xia Xiaodie returned to her friends. At this time, her friend asked, "Xiaodie, I heard that you have bought a moo princess skirt, waiting for your birthday to wear. Why don't you change it? Let's have a look. I envy you."

"That's right, little butterfly. The princess dress of MoO must be very beautiful."

Xia Xiaodie laughs, "you don't have to worry. I'm going to change it."

At this time, Kong zhen'er took Xia Xiaodie's hand and said, "Xiaodie, look, xiaxiwan is downstairs."

Xia Xiwan really went downstairs. She was wearing the moo princess skirt. The pink dress made her delicate and smooth. She was a 20-year-old little princess with a waist wrapped in her waist.

Just now, the hall was still full of laughter. I don't know when it was quiet. All the eyes "brush" and fell on the body of summer evening line.

There was a flash of amazement in everyone's eyes.

Xia Xiaodie tugs her fist. Although Xia Xiwan is in her plan to wear a moo princess skirt, she is envious of Xia Xiwan's reversion of all living beings and wishes that Xia Xiwan would disappear in place.

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