"Since you don't like her, what are you doing to pamper her for so many years? The whole 49 cities know that you have spoiled her Pervertedly!"

Gu Yejin looked at Mrs. Gu, slightly closed her beautiful eyelids, and then whispered, "the best way to destroy a person is not to hold her to heaven, and then let her fall on the ground. Over the years, I have made her fall in love with me step by step. On the day of the 18-year-old adult ceremony, when she entrusted herself with all her joy, I would let her know that she was nothing I love other women, mom. Aren't you satisfied with what I've done? "

Mrs. Gu was satisfied with this. She was also very happy to see Ye Ling move away from Gu's home two years ago and left Haicheng alone.

She left for two years.

However, Mrs. Gu is dissatisfied that Ye Ling has a relationship with her son, which makes her feel disgusted.

Her husband is deeply infatuated with Sun Yi. Sun Yi divorced her before she died. After her death, she became a living widow. Now her own son sleeps with Sun Yi's daughter ye Ling. This complex relationship makes her deeply unhappy.

"Yejin, mother's life has been a special failure and pain," Mrs. Gu looked at Gu Yejin with red eyes. "Your father and Sun Yi have tortured me all my life. On the night when I became a disabled person, I used to hold a bottle of sleeping pills to commit suicide, but you pushed the door and entered. Yejin, mother couldn't bear you. My mother wanted to grow up with you and see you as the eldest son You have a happy life. You are the driving force and all the hope of your mother to live. Therefore, you must not let your mother down. If you also abandon your mother, then mother really has no need to live. "

Gu Yejin stepped forward and squatted down in front of Mrs. Gu. He took a blanket over Mrs. Gu's disabled legs and whispered, "Mom, I know. I don't love her. I won't love her."

He did not know whether to speak to Mrs. Gu or to himself.

Mrs. Gu is really in love with her son. She touched Gu Yejin's head. "Yejin, the mother goes back first. She doesn't want to force you. You are big enough. You have your own ideas. This time Ye Ling comes back, I hope you can handle it yourself."

The bodyguard in black came in and pushed Mrs. Gu away.


Gu Yejin stood in the living room for a while, then he looked up to the room upstairs.

The door was tightly closed.

Gu Yejin goes upstairs and pushes open the door. The room is empty.

Ye Ling is gone.

Where did she go?

How did she get out of the door, which was closed all the time?

Gu Yejin Mou color a sink, quickly walked into the balcony, the balcony window is open, the lawn below has fallen traces.

She jumped from the balcony on the second floor!

Gu Yejin's beautiful eyebrows are covered with a layer of cold frost. He takes out his mobile phone to make a phone call. He has already gone downstairs and takes the car key out of the villa gate.

Ye Ling's phone can't get through. There is a mechanical female voice coming from that end. I'm sorry, the number you dialed is not connected for the time being.

Gu Yejin's eyes are scarlet. In the past two years, she has really changed a lot, from smart soft waxy to bright and piercing. She is so afraid of pain that she can now jump down from such a high balcony.

At this time, there are cold raindrops hit his hand, it's raining.


The rain is very heavy, the pedestrians in the street with umbrella, are anxious to go home.

Ye Ling walked on the street, her leg fell and bled, the blood slipped down her white greasy skin, and finally fell into the small pond on the ground.

Her clothes were wet, painful and cold, like a drowned rat.

He couldn't walk any more. He should be far away. Ye Ling sat beside a small flower bed, curled up on his knees and hugged himself slowly.

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