From the moment she entered the Gu family, she could hear the endless quarrel between uncle Gu and aunt Gu.

Aunt Gu is always scolding her mother, saying that her mother is a fox spirit, a shameless bitch, putting green hats on daddy, sleeping with Uncle Gu, etc

Later, aunt Gu also began to scold her, saying that she was a little wild, a little bitch. When she grew up, she also seduced men to bed, and her mother was a commodity

She saw Uncle Gu beat aunt Gu, and that slapped her violently and turned her mother from her wheelchair to the ground. She looked at the arrogant aunt Gu, laughing and crying. She looked like a madman, hateful, and It's a pity

Ye Ling grew up slowly and began to understand what aunt Gu said. Her mother had an affair with Uncle Gu. That infidelity took two lives and abandoned aunt Gu's legs. Her brother was missing. She became an orphan. Everyone was in pain.

No wonder, no wonder that after the accident, all her relatives and friends looked at her with strange eyes and did not give any help.

Maybe mommy's been cheating.

However, Ye Ling really does not want to believe that her memory of mummy is so beautiful, intelligent and gentle. No matter how late daddy comes home, mummy will leave a lamp for daddy.

Her brother is the best and most handsome boy in the courtyard. She has already taken charge of the right wing of Haicheng when he is a teenager, which is incomparably brilliant.

Mummy dressed her up like a little princess every day. She also said that my Lingling is the most beautiful and clever girl.

Ye Ling remembers, really remembers, that their family lives happily.

But everything changed.

What is a lie?

At this time, the mobile phone is shaking, Gu Yejin is still calling her.

Ye Ling thinks that the waterproof function of the mobile phone is really powerful. It can withstand the heavy rain of the day.

Her white finger pressed the connect button, and she stuck the phone to her ear.

Soon, Gu Yejin's mellow and pleasant voice passed over, "Lingling, where are you now? It's raining outside."

Ye Ling reached out to touch her small face, a face of water, do not know is the rain, or their own tears.

Ye Linggou lip, "I have returned to drunk Yuhuan."

"I'm not sure. I'll come to you now."

Ye Ling, "don't come here, Gu Yejin, don't come here, please."

Gu Yejin at that end is silent.

Ye Ling hung up the phone directly.

Just now, she had heard the conversation between him and Mrs. Gu in the living room downstairs. Gu Yejin was definitely the darkest, cruel, despicable man she had ever seen. In her age when she knew nothing, he was luring her to fall in love with him step by step.

He is the best hunter in the world, and she is his prey.

On the bar mitzvah day, she didn't know what she had drunk wrong. She was all over the fever. She went into his room and touched his bed.

This hypocrite, if he was a little unwilling at that time, could she really strengthen him?

That night he lay on her and called her Xia Yanyan.

When the door opened and everyone came in, he slapped her again.

All the doting care at that moment tore off the camouflage, revealing the hypocrisy and ferocious face. The hatred of the previous generation was transferred to her, and he destroyed her in the most cruel and merciless way.

Destroyed her body, destroyed her heart. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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