Xia Xiwan was kissed dizzy, a blank in the small head.

His words echoed in my ears --- tracking Kiss Isn't it just a fight?

The quarrel in his eyes is Tracking, kissing

It's really a bully president.

Xia Xiwan legs a soft, almost indulged in his mature and powerful man atmosphere.


Several Haicheng celebrities have not gone far. How can they go far? No matter how much, they have to see Xia Xiwan kicked by Lu Hanting. But, what is the situation now?

---General manager Lu and Xia Xiwan had a quarrel, didn't I?

---It looks like it should be.

---However, why did Mr. Lu kiss Xia Xiwan? I, a single dog, felt a 10000 point critical attack.

---I am also very confused. They all say that Lu is always a junior. Why do I have the illusion that I am forced to seek the upper position?


Xia Yanyan sent someone to inquire about Lu Hanting and Xia Xiwan. They didn't see each other again these days. It seems that they have broken up.

Xia Yanyan's whole body becomes very happy. In fact, this is what she expected. After all, the Ghost Husband of Youlan garden has been exposed online. Lu Hanting and Xia Xiwan are bound to break up.

Of course, Xia Yanyan also noticed that Xia Xiwan, the number one iron powder grandmother, was only 18 years old. She investigated the account and found nothing strange.

However, this is just a small episode in Xia Yanyan's eyes. After all, the development is in her expectation and control.

That day, Xia Yanyan heard that Lu Hanting would go to the 1949 bar in the evening. Because Gu Yejin was 27 years old, Lu Hanting, as a good brother who grew up in a pair of open crotch pants, would surely go to celebrate Gu Yejin's birthday.

Xia Yanyan knows that this is an excellent opportunity for her to get close to Lu Hanting.

Li Yulan took her little hand and said, "Yan Yan, you go to the bar tonight to see if Lu Hanting and Xia Xiwan have really broken up. If they do break up, this is a great opportunity for you to enter. It is important that you and Xia Xiwan will have their birthdays in a few days. I have already told your father that they will hold the same birthday for you and Xia Xiwan Hold a birthday party, and then you invite Mr. Lu to your birthday party and make Xia Xiwan a laughing stock! "

Xia Yanyan is very excited. She and Xia Xiwan celebrate their birthday on the same day. If Lu Hanting can appear at her birthday party to celebrate her birthday, what a beautiful scene it will be.

"Mom, I know. I will invite Mr. Lu, who will surely come!"


Gu Yejin's 27th Birthday is in the 1949 bar. Her good brothers Lu Hanting and Huo Xize are all here. Of course, Ye Ling and Xia Xiwan, Xia Yanyan and Huo Xuan are also here. In addition, some managers of Haicheng are invited to play cards.

In the luxury box, Xia Yanyan sat beside Lu Hanting, carefully observing his face, "Mr. Lu, the Ghost Husband of wanwan was exploded recently. Are you in a bad mood?"

Huo Xuan quickly echoed, "Mr. Lu, you are deceived by Xia Xiwan's pure appearance. She has a special way to seduce men. Her ghost husband in Youlan garden is 80 years old, and I don't know if it's a psychopath who likes to play SM with a whip. This Xia Xiwan is really dirty."

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