Xia Yanyan is very satisfied with Huo Xuan's words, but on the surface she quickly stops saying, "Xuan Xuan, don't say that."

They don't know that Lu Hanting is the Ghost Husband of Youlan garden, but Gu Yejin and Huo Xize know that Gu Yejin is still calm. They take a light look at Lu Hanting, but Huo Xize can't help it. A mouthful of red wine just drank comes out directly, and then he laughs.

"Brother, what are you laughing at?" Huo Xuan is very strange.

Of course, Xia Yanyan also felt very strange. Why did Huo Shao react so much?

"Ha ha ha, it's OK. I just heard a funny joke. Don't worry about me..." Hoszier's stomach ached with laughter.

Lu Hanting, who is known as "psychopathic", leans lazily on the sofa with two long legs. He smokes a cigar between his slender fingers. The smoke obscures his handsome face. It is not true to see it, and adds a sense of high cold mystery.

He took a puff of smoke, and then took a dim look at Huo Xuan. "Don't mention her. It's a disappointment."

Xia Yanyan was immediately elated. Lu Hanting was not willing to mention Xia Xiwan now. He said that he was a real hammer and he had already broken up.


Huo Xize looks at Lu Hanting with admiration --- second brother, when did you change to acting?

"Ye Jin elder brother, today you live, I have prepared one for you."

Gu Yejin looked at Huo Xize and asked lazily, "what?"

Hosizer snapped his fingers, and a group of girls came out quickly. The girls were dressed in cool clothes, with cat ears on their heads, all young and beautiful.

"Ye Jin elder brother, this is the cat girl I prepared for you. Look, they are all beauties." Hosizer couldn't wait for credit.

The cat girls came over and warmly surrounded Gu Yejin. "Gu Shao, I wish you a happy birthday. We are all yours tonight."

Gu Yejin's body is a white shirt and black trousers, beautiful as jade. He leans his straight back against the back of the sofa, and the whole person is a little lazy and cool.

Surrounded by a group of cat girls, he had little interest and did not look at them.

At this time, the general manager said with a smile, "speaking of the beauty, our first beauty in Haicheng is Ye Meili. Gu Shao, did your sister Ye Meili not come? Why didn't we see ye Meili

"Yes, we haven't seen beauty ye for two years. We can only see it in TV magazines. If we haven't seen her for two years, we all want to see her."

Huo Xize really wanted to kick those childish brothers. He took a careful look at Gu Yejin's face. When he mentioned Ye Ling, Gu Yejin's handsome face didn't have any emotional waves. He was still lazy. Today's birthday, his interest was not very high.

At this time, a soft voice came from the ear, "let me see who is speaking ill of us behind our back?"

Everyone looked up and saw Xia Xiwan and Ye Ling.

Ye Ling just came from the outside. She was lifting her small hand and taking off her wide sunglasses. Her brown curly hair was scattered on her shoulders. Her palms and her face were bright and soft.

Xia Xiwan wears a veil on her face, and her eyes are clear and clear. She looks forward to the flowing and flickering.

Two beauties are the focus as soon as they appear.

Ye Lingshui Mei's eyes fell on Gu Yejin's handsome face and said with a playful smile, "brother, happy birthday. I'm 27 years old. Please find me a sister-in-law as soon as possible."

Gu Yejin looked at her and pursed her thin lips.

"Wanwan, are you here?" At this time, Xia Yanyan was very happy. Xia Xiwan came over. She said quickly, "wanwan, your business has been so noisy recently. How about that husband in Youlan garden who didn't do it to you?"

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