She sent a picture of her swimsuit to Lu Hanting!

At that time, she added a message to contact each other on wechat?

At that time, Lu Hanting, the business tycoon, frowned slightly. Obviously, he had never used this thing. However, when he came back that night, he added a wechat to his mobile phone.

What is she doing?

What's wrong?

Xia Xiwan quickly thought of withdrawing, but it was too late, the time had passed.

She's really going crazy.

The wechat of Ye Ling came again. She threw a few pictures to me to see if your circumference has changed. Recently, Weimi has produced several new styles of sexy nightdress. What's your big man's taste?

This kind of swelling, with a little fresh in the waves.

This one is on fire in the pure interior.

Xia Xiwan

At this time, tens of thousands of feet abroad, in the tallest business office building in the Financial Street, the company executives with blue cards on their necks sat on both sides of the long conference table in the VIP conference room. The financial director was reporting the sales situation of this year.

We hold our breath and listen carefully, but we can't help but peek at the man sitting on the throne.

Today, Lu Hanting is dressed in a black suit with white silk kerchief in his suit pocket. All the bangs on his forehead are pushed upward, revealing his delicate and handsome facial features. He looks down at the documents attentively, and his actions and actions are the charming qualities of successful men in business.

Noble, mature, powerful and full of ups and downs.

In VIP meeting room, you can hear the sound of a pin falling off. Suddenly, a cell phone rings.

People's eyes "brush" one fell on Lu Hanting's body, it was his mobile phone that rang.

Lu Hanting raised his eyes, and his mobile phone prompted a wechat message.

He asked his secretary to download wechat and added only one person.

This man is Xia Xiwan.

At this time, Yan Yi, the private secretary, came over and leaned down to inquire about the meaning.

Lu Hanting raised his hand and asked Yan Yi to step down and let the CFO and senior executives continue to hold meetings.

When people's eyes moved away, Lu Hanting opened his mobile phone wechat and saw the picture sent by Xia Xiwan.

Xia Xiwan has just come out of the hot spring. She is a kind of bathing suit with grass green flowers on her body. Her long black hair, as pure as silk, is wet on her fragrant shoulder. She is landing with her hands on the ladder.

It's not a front photo, but a side photo. Her clear and beautiful lines of the side face show some unique color behind the veil.

Beauty out of the bath map, can be said to be extremely restrictive.

Since we met, Lu Hanting has never seen her wear such bright colors and so little cloth. Two people are in the same room, and she covers herself up every night.

But he knew how good she was.

Lu Hanting sent a wechat to tease me?

Tease me?

Xia Xiwan soon received these two words. Her face was flushed and bleeding. She could almost imagine what kind of deep magnetic voice this man used to say these two words.

At this time, Lu Hanting sent another wechat, which is still in the daytime.

Jet lag. It's night for her, but it's day for him.

Xia Xiwan touched his small face, red and hot, which has nothing to do with the daytime, old driver!

Is he suggesting to tease him at night?

Xia Xiwan quickly returned one. If I said I sent it wrong, would you believe it?

Lu Hanting frowned. Who do you want to send it to?

Xia Xiwan suddenly has a sense of being caught as a traitor. She can only cut a picture of her chat with Ye Ling and send it to him for yourself.

Lu Hanting saw those pajamas, he picked a sword eyebrow, narrow eye tip overflowed mature man's amorous feelings.

He returned one: Yes, you can buy them and try them on for me. I'll tell you which one I like. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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