Xia Xiwan sat up from the bed, she read his reply three times, and finally sent him with trembling fingertips: hooligan!

Seeing the word "hooligan", Lu Hanting picked a sword eyebrow, and his throat overflowed with low and happy laughter.

She is intelligent and easy-going, and seldom gets angry. When she blows hair, he knows that he irritates her.

Lu Hanting's slow reply scolded me? Go back and clean you up!


Xia Xiwan lies back on the bed again. She is like a cooked prawn now. His last sentence "go back and clean you up" simply makes her unable to look directly.

Forcefully closed his eyes, Xia Xiwan will be in the mind of Lu Hanting that hateful face to shake off, and then began to consider business.

It is obvious that sushi is against her this time. He is now one of the four big clubs in Haicheng, with power, power and status, which is very difficult to deal with.

The situation was very bad for her.

And it's a little strange. Why does Susie say she's dirty and she's worn by someone else?

Xia Xiwan talks about this topic with Ye Ling. Ye Ling is abnormal and wants to put P. my wanwan is still at home.

Xia Xiwan, but why does he say so?

Ye Ling went to ask him.

Xia Xiwan feels very reasonable. It's useless for her to guess here. She wants to find a chance to ask clearly in person.

Ye Ling wanwan, seriously, abnormal Xi is not so difficult to do. He likes you and treats men. If you like, you can.

Xia Xiwan did not return. Of course, she understood what ye Ling meant. In fact, there are many ways to turn the passive into the active in dealing with men who like themselves.


At night, Susie takes Xia Xiaodie to the presidential suite of the hotel.

Susie had just taken a bath and was wearing a white bathrobe. He poured a little red wine into a goblet and sipped it gracefully.

At this time, Xia Xiaodie, after bathing, hugged him from the back. "Brother Suxi, do you think my father loves Xia Xiwan's Mommy very much, and has been thinking about it for so many years?"

Susie looked out of the window at the neon light and hooked her thin lip

"I know that my father has always kept a picture of Xia Xiwan in his wallet. That picture is very precious and never let others touch it. Moreover, for so many years, my father does not allow anyone to say bad things about Xia Xiwan's mother. Today, my mother said that my father is like a changed person. He is such a face loving person, he will never let others see jokes in public, but He slapped my mother outside the hotel

Su Xi's mind came up with a piece of Jue Li's face, a light way, "Xia Xiwan mummy is a legendary woman."

Xia Xiaodie has never seen Xia Xiwan's mother. Ten years ago, Xia Xiwan's mother passed away. This woman seems to have evaporated from the world. It's hard to hear the news of her life.

Xia Xiaodie also thought about how big a hand and how powerful it is to erase all the information of a person in this 49 city.

Whenever I think of it, Xia Xiaodie feels scared.

"Brother Suxi, my mother is not wrong. Xia Xiwan's ability to seduce men is really good. She married to Youlan garden to have fun, and she has a little white face outside. Now she has something to do with Imperial Hotel. She doesn't know how many men she has had!"

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