"Let me go! Go away She struggled hard.

Xiao Cheng also realized that he had gone too far. He never thought that he would become so bad one day.

He can't stay any longer. If he stays any longer, something will happen, and Xiao Tingting is waiting for him to deal with it.

"Then I'll go out. You wash cold water here. I'll give you antidote later. I'll take Tang Yu with me." Xiao Cheng turned and went out.


when Xiao Tingting leaves the resort hotel, she holds her mobile phone and dials out Mr. Xiao's phone. Soon, the phone at that end gets through.

"Hey, Dad, don't come here. I think there is something wrong with Xiao Cheng. Although I don't know what's wrong with him, I feel... We've been cheated by him all these years. I have a bad feeling that you should inform the leader immediately and I'll go to see you now..."

Xiao Tingting feels that she has never got Xiao Cheng in recent years, although she hasn't got it There is evidence, but the woman's natural keen sixth sense is constantly piling up. Finally, he Bing arrives at a well vent. Xiao Tingting thinks there must be something wrong with Xiao Cheng.

She must return to Hong Kong immediately.

But Xiao Tingting suddenly found that there was no sound at that end of the phone, her whole heart sank, her phone was eavesdropped, she did not call the old man's number.

Something's wrong!

Something must have happened!

Xiao Tingting quickly got into her car. She stepped on the accelerator and wanted to gallop away.

But a few seconds later, there was a sharp brake sound, because a car in front of her stopped her.

She looked through the front windshield and saw that it was a military jeep. She had been surrounded. At this time, it was dark. A group of figures appeared in the black curtain in front of her. They were wearing camouflage clothes and holding the latest mechanical weapons. The key is that their faces were painted with three black slashes.

The black three slashes...

Xiao Tingting trembles. They are... They are blood pupil!

Xuetong is a special force. The black three slashes on their faces are like ghosts. Over the years, this special force has repeatedly cracked down on human trafficking groups, organ trafficking groups and drug gangs, sweeping almost all the criminal tycoons, which makes people scared.

No one has seen the blood pupil army. It is said that all who have seen the army have died.

And the senior commander of this blood pupil army, blood eagle, no one has seen his true face, black and white, military, political and judicial legends are everywhere about him.

Xiao Tingting knows. She's in the trap. She's in the trap.

At this time, a tall and strong body came slowly from the darkness in front of him. His pace was sonorous, firm and calm. Every step was like stepping on the top of a person's heart, and then gradually came into view was a handsome three-dimensional face.

It's... Xiaocheng.

With the appearance of Xiao Cheng, the blood pupil troops stand upright and give a military salute to Xiao Cheng.

Xiao Cheng's deep ink eyes looked at Xiao Tingting, and then he pulled out his long legs and came to her.

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