Looking at Xiao Cheng approaching step by step, Xiao Tingting in the car trembles. He is...

he is...

no wonder.

No wonder.

Xiao Cheng went to the door of the driver's seat. He wiped his trousers pocket with one hand and took out a packet of cigarettes. Then he bent his tall body slightly and put his hands together to light the lighter.

With a bang, the dark red flame jumped out, and he frowned and lit the smoke.

His cigarette lighting posture is still as evil and uninhibited as in the past, but at the moment, he washed all the lead, covered with cold dew and wind and frost slowly came into people's view.

Xiao Tingting's pupils are constricted. She looks at the man outside the window in shock and horror. Even though she has guessed that he is hidden, she never thought that he is so hidden.

Now he's not good. He's the only one in Hong Kong. He takes everything, power, status, money, beauty... He wants as much as he wants, but he still has such an identity, such a dangerous identity... With his head tied on his belt.

Xiao Cheng stood outside the car with long legs, frowning and taking a puff of smoke. Then he put one hand on the roof of the car, holding the scarlet flame in one hand and lowered his tall body. The eyes of his ink eyes were dyed with the smile of stars. Looking at Xiao Tingting, he broke all the disguises, so thin and cool, "Miss Xiao, how can you run away before the game starts? You don't have the guts to play, do you? "

Then he gave a low smile, and his strong chest heaved up and down, giving out a magnetic resonance.

Xiao Tingting trembled all over. She stepped back, bit by bit. She tried to stay away from the man, "you are... You are...

" who am I? You don't care. Have a good sleep, wake up and let's continue to play. " Xiao Cheng said with a faint smile.

At this time, Xiao Tingting felt a pain in her back neck and a needle came in. Her eyes were black and she fainted directly.

"Boss, just now Xiao Tingting wanted to call Mr. Xiao, but the signal was interfered by us and didn't get through."

"Xiao Tingting has something to hide from us. In fact, master Xiao has come with his elder brother."

While smoking, Xiao Cheng glances at the tracking screen. Master Xiao and his elder brother have entered their ambush circle. They show up.

He spent such a long time dormant in Hong Kong, and now behind the scenes has finally emerged.

Xiao Cheng's handsome face didn't reveal too much expression. He whispered, "take Xiao Tingting down and wash away all the memories that shouldn't exist in her head. I'm waiting for them here."

"Yes, boss!"

"And..." Xiao Cheng didn't go on, just took a cigarette.

The adjutant Zhu Chao was surprised and said, "boss, what's wrong with you today? How can you stop talking? It's not like you."

Xiao Cheng is an aggressive and natural leader, and he has never been indecisive.

Xiao Cheng spat out a puff of smoke, "see the leader, pull out the whole line in Hong Kong, then it's over here, help me to apply to the higher authorities."

"What application?"

"Marriage application, I want to get married."


The whole team was boiling, "boss, do you want to get married? Who is our sister-in-law? "

"Yes, boss, we haven't heard of sister-in-law. Where is sister-in-law sacred?"

Xiao Cheng kicked them, "don't ask about my business."

With that, Xiao Cheng himself laughed.

Adjutant Zhu Chao and Xiao Cheng have been good brothers for many years. Like everyone else, he suddenly heard that Xiao Cheng wanted to get married. Here are all his brothers. He said it here, which means that he has identified this girl in his life.

Xiao Cheng's every decision is thoughtful. Zhu Chao looks at the arc of Xiao Cheng's lips, soft with a touch of warmth. He has never seen such a look on Xiao Cheng's face.

Zhu Chao nodded, "OK, I'll help you to submit your marriage application. I hope this order can be completed successfully, and then all the brothers will go to drink your wedding wine."

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