What? Xia Xiwan remembers what ye Ling told her before. All men's attentions are warming up for the evening. What's the best seller on Valentine's day and Qixi Festival? Are the best-selling gifts? No, hotels, contraceptive condoms!

At that time, Xia Xiwan blushed when she heard it. Only at this moment did she really admire Ye Ling's penetrating point.

Xia Xiwan pushed him, "Mr. Lu, be serious, my birthday!"

She had to warn.

Lu put his arm around her waist and pushed her to the front of the cake. Then he lit the candle with a lighter, "little princess, do you have any wish for your birthday, please make a wish."

Xia Xiwan sat on the wool carpet, folded his hands and closed his eyes.

Her 20-year-old birthday wish is that she will still love and be loved today next year, and that Mr. Lu will still be around her many years later.

"Make a wish. I'll blow out the candle." Xia Xiwan opened his eyes and blew out all the candles. Happy birthday to me!

At this time, Lu Hanting covered her snow-white ears and asked in a low voice, "Mrs. Lu, what wish did you make?"

"If I don't tell you, my birthday wish won't work."

"Mrs. Lu, you have grown up one year old. You should learn to be realistic. Make a wish to me, and your wish will come true."

This Arrogant man!

Xia Xiwan looked at him, "I won't tell you!"

Lu looked at her black eyes and pink lips, then handed her the knife, "little princess, cut the cake."

Xia Xiwan took the knife and cut the cake, but soon she found something hidden in the cake, which she cut.

She took a look at the cake. It was A diamond ring.

The design is generous and flexible. The diamonds on it are dazzling and shining.

What a beautiful diamond ring.

Xia Xiwan turned his head and looked at the man beside him. The slender feather blinked, "Mr. Lu, is this what you gave me?"

Lu looked at her, "do you like it?"

Xia Xiwan didn't expect that Mr. Lu would be good at it. He would hide the diamond ring in the cake. If he didn't make fun of him, how could he know the danger of the river and lake?

Xia Xiwan raised her small jaw and said, "Mr. Lu, you can tell me how much you like me, eh?"

"You are bold, aren't you? I think you owe it again!" Lu Hanting grabbed the diamond ring and put it into the ring finger of her right hand. His big hand clasped the back of her head. His low eyes kissed her red lips.

Xia Xiwan is dizzy by the kiss. His kiss is extremely passionate. It not only takes her breath, but also seems to eat her.

Xia Xiwan turned his head to avoid it. His white fingers picked up a piece of cake and directly wiped it on his handsome cheek. "Mr. Lu, you are too bad. Let you bully me!"

The kiss was forced to stop. Lu looked at the appearance of her being kissed. Her delicate skin was dyed with cherry blossom pink, which was even more attractive than sweets.

Lu Hanting again buckled the back of her head and pressed her to his handsome cheek, "lick it off for me, or I want you here

He what did you say?

Xia Xiwan's heart was pounding. He was the kind of man who could say it. She quickly stretched out her little tongue to lick the cake on his face.

Lu Hanting rolled his Adam's apple up and down.

At this time, Xia Xiwan kicked him, and his teeth bit his lips. "Mr. Lu, I'll take it as soon as I see you. Is today your birthday or my birthday?"

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