Two people are now sitting on the soft wool carpet, Xia Xiwan two small hands on the ground, the delicate body slightly back, small feet to kick him, that dyed red peerless face also slightly hook black water eyes, perhaps she does not know how she is at the moment how delicate.

Lu Hanting let her go and let her go.

Xia Xiwan gets up in a rolling manner. She lies down in the French window and looks up at the stars all over the sky. They all say that they can pick up the stars if they reach out here.

Xia Xiwan looks at the diamond ring in her right hand. Her red lips are quietly and sweetly lifted. Then she slowly reaches out her little hand and picks the stars.

At this time, there is a meteor in the distance. This meteor shuttles and comes straight to Xia Xiwan's hand.

Xia Xiwan was startled. When she retracted her small hand, she stepped back. A healthy arm was hooped up behind her. She clasped her waist and held her in her arms from behind.

"What are you afraid of?" Lu Hanting kisses her hair and whispers with a smile.

At this time, I saw the meteor "pa" burst open, instantly turned into colorful fireworks, fireworks and quickly fell to the ground, like a meteor shower.

Pa Pa Pa, the sky outside a hundred flowers in full bloom, countless fireworks rendering the whole night sky of Haicheng.

Xia Xiwan was stunned and exclaimed like a little girl who had never seen the world. "Wow, how beautiful."

Lu Hanting has long hands and feet to confine her delicate in his arms. His thin lips fall on her white ear lobes and kisses them again and again. Then he takes out his mobile phone and compiles a micro blog to send it to Mrs. Lu. I hope you can grow up slowly beside me, grow up a little and grow up a little, and have a happy birthday

Xia Yanyan is now out of the Imperial Hotel, standing outside the hotel. Now the whole Haicheng is boiling. All the vehicles and pedestrians are stopped. Everyone is staring at the sky.

The sky of Haicheng has been illuminated by countless fireworks. Those fireworks fell from the top of the head, giving the whole Haicheng a meteor shower after another.

God, what did I see, what kind of lucky life series is this?

Who's such a big hand? It's a good ditch.

Don't you know that today is Mrs. Lu's birthday, and Mr. Lu is celebrating Mrs. Lu's birthday!

Go and watch Weibo.

Microblogging has been paralyzed.

Xia Yanyan looks at the bright night sky. She knows that Lu Hanting and Xia Xiwan are on it. She lights Haicheng with sky lights in the early morning and meteor shower falls in Haicheng at night. She almost spoils Mrs. Lu Xiawan to heaven.

But, but all this clearly should belong to her!

Xia Yanyan envies and envies in the heart, huge loss and regret let her nail are deeply pinched into his palm, she does not feel pain.

She took out her mobile phone and logged in to Weibo. The microblog has been paralyzed because of too many visitors. The staff are speeding up the repair.

Xia Yanyan kept brushing. After a few minutes, the microblog returned to normal. There was a hot word behind the first three hot searches. This is really unprecedented news breaking and peak traffic.

Hot search number one Lu Hanting launched a microblog to celebrate his birthday.

Hot search for the second summer sunset, Mrs. Lu!

Hot search for meteor shower in the third Haicheng.

Xia Yanyan opened Lu Hanting's microblog. As the most prominent power man in Haicheng and a generation of business tycoon, Lu Hanting has always been mysterious and low-key, so he did not open a personal microblog.

But just now, he launched a personal microblog, focusing on only one person, that is Xia Xiwan. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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