Sure enough, grandma is still that grandmother, always able to put the topic to a perfect end in "great grandchildren".

Xia Xiwan hemmed and hawed and hung up the phone with a red face.


Soon, Rolls Royce mirage luxury car parked on the lawn, Lu Hanting with the summer sunset into a villa.

European and American style villa, interior decoration low-key and luxurious, is his consistent preference and taste.

Two people on the floor, into the master bedroom, Lu Han Ting with a look at the point, "your friend's birthday gift, I let people send it over, go and have a look."

Xia Xiwan rushes past and opens a box. Inside the box is a bonsai.

Xia Xiwan's pupil shrinks. This is what she said to Shuangshuang some time ago The legendary mantosara.

It is said that Datura, which grows in the two realms of life and death, has black roots, and its flowers are red and almost enchanting.

Xia Xiwan has seen Datura flowers in medical books, but she is far from shocked to see it with her own eyes. What's more, Shuangshuang has really got Datura.

It is estimated that there are no two stramonids in the world. Last time, shuangshuangshuang beat their chests and promised to get them for her. At that time, she was still suspicious. She did not expect that Shuangshuang was not joking.

There is a note in the box, which is written by both of you. Happy birthday, PS: finally, on your birthday, you have cultivated Datura. Be careful, the Datura is really extremely poisonous. I accidentally got a part of the poison, but don't read, I have planted a Tianshan snow lotus, eat it to detoxify, use it with caution.

Xia Xiwan looked at the word "cultivation" and planted snow lotus in Tianshan Mountain to detoxify the poison. Her small head almost exploded. My God, who are Shuangshuang? Datura is she cultivated. She can grow Tianshan snow lotus at will.

Xia Xiwan suddenly thought that Shuangshuang likes planting flowers and grass most. She has many pots and pots. Are those rare herbs in the soil?

Xia Xiwan now wants to find Shuangshuang to ask. She carefully collects the mandala. Mr. Lu's condition is urgent. Now that she has Datura, she will test poison and refine medicine tomorrow.

Xia Xiwan opened another box, which was sent by Ye Ling.

What will Ling Ling give for her birthday?

Open the box, there is a box of Contraception - condom.

Ye Ling also left a note, happy birthday, PS: I don't know what size Mr. Lu used, but by visual inspection, Mr. Lu is rich and powerful, and the biggest size is always right.


Xia Xiwan quickly covers the box, and her gorgeous face is covered with suspicious blushes. People also turn to see Lu Hanting.

Lu Hanting has just taken off his black suit. His white shirt and black trousers are on his body. He stands tall and straight in front of the French window. He is drooping his handsome eyelids. He takes off the silver button on his sleeve elegantly. The black belt is tied around his tight waist, and the screen is full of long legs The best man.

Xia Xiwan doesn't know whether she is guilty or is taken away by Ye Ling. Her black Jian Tong falls under his buckle quietly and dodgily.

At this time, a man's deep magnetic voice sounded in his ear, "Mrs. Lu, where are your eyes looking?"

Xia Xiwan was scared and looked up quickly. She ran into Lu Hanting's deep narrow eyes. He didn't know when he had seen it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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