Xia Xiwan feather was quick and said, "I I didn't look at anything! "

Lu Hanting stirred up his narrow eyes, overflowing the amorous feelings of a mature man. He took a look at the box and said, "what's in the box? What's teaching bad children? For you or for me? "


It took Xia Xiwan a few seconds to understand what he meant. The things in the box were either sex goods for her to wear, or sets for him

This Old driver!

Xia Xiwan quickly hid the box under the bed, "this is my birthday gift, Mr. Lu, you should respect my privacy, do not peek, I I'll take a bath first

Xia Xiwan slips into the bathroom.


Looking at the pretty shadow of her fleeing, Lu Hanting hooks her thin lips. She is still young. Today, she is only 20 years old, but he is already 27 years old, and he is very mature.

Although he had never been a woman before, he knew everything he should know. She must have been taught how to hide and hide just now.

Lu Han Ting took out his mobile phone and rebooted it. It showed more than ten missed calls, all from Xia Yanyan.

At this time, the vibration sounds, and Xia Yanyan's phone call comes again.

This time, Lu Hanting pressed the key to switch on.

Xia Yanyan didn't expect to get through. She quickly said, "Mr. Lu, why did you want to get rid of me? Why didn't you answer my phone? I'm very sad now. I'm..."

"Miss Xia, I'll give you three seconds to say what you want to say."

Xia Yanyan's voice was full of tears. "Mr. Lu, I like you. I've loved you for so many years. Why do you want to marry wanwan..."

"Two seconds later, you can still say a word."

Listening to Lu Hanting's cold and heartless voice, Xia Yanyan clenched her mobile phone in her hand. She took a breath and wiped the tears on her face. "Mr. Lu, I saved you before. Do you remember? You said you would promise me three things. I have already thought about the third thing. I want you to divorce with wanwan and marry me."

Xia Yanyan now likes to hate, she hates Xia Xiwan's replacement marriage, and also hates herself. This third thing is too late. Her goal has always been to marry him.

Now she wants Lu Hanting to divorce Xia Xiwan and marry her!

Lu Han Ting didn't change his expression, even his low-alcohol magnetic voice was flat and flat. "Divorce and marriage are two things. Miss Xia, which one do you want me to promise?"


"I won't promise you anything."

Xia Yanyan's pupil shrinks. She always feels that she has a trump card in her hand. Lu Hanting is a man who keeps his word. As long as she talks, he will certainly agree.

But he refused.

"Mr. Lu, you said that as long as I speak, you will help me achieve my wish. Now you are going to break my promise?"

Lu Ting has been ticking off his thin lips. "Even if I break my promise, I has the final say in this game."

"Mr. Lu, you You forget who saved you in the ice and snow six or seven years ago, and who hugged you in the cave to keep warm all night. If it hadn't been for me, you would have died

Lu Hanting's head suddenly appeared that snowy night, the girl gave him artificial respiration, her lips covered with his cold thin lips, so fragrant and soft

She was also soft and lying in his arms, two people's coats were taken off, skin blind date

She said in his ear over and over again, big brother, don't die, persist, I will save you!

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