Then with a bang, Ye Ming's eyes darkened and fainted on the dock.

"Ah Ming!"


In the hospital ward.

He Bing woke up. This bone marrow transplant was very successful. She is recovering.

But ye Ming disappeared again.

He Bing doesn't know if he has gone back to prison. After all, he has an important task and can't be with her all the time.

At this time, Yang Jindou came in, opened the thermos cup and filled her with more than half a bowl of chicken soup. "Bingbing, this is the soup stewed by your mother. Drink it while it's hot. You see you've been thin recently. You must fatten yourself."

The knot between mother and daughter no longer exists. Yang Jindou is getting better quickly. Even depression is improving. Now he Bing lives in the hospital. She takes care of everything herself and loves her daughter wholeheartedly.

He Bing feels that everything around her is getting better, but she feels that the people around her are silent.

She couldn't tell the feeling.

Now it's urgent for her to take good care of her body. When ye Ming comes out, she will stand in front of him healthily.

"Mom, I'll come." he Bing drank the chicken soup and ate a bowl full of rice.

A few days later, Ye Ling came.

He Bing couldn't help it. She asked Ye Ling, "sister Lingling, where is your brother now?"

Ye Ling's eyebrows and eyes were dim. She reached out and rubbed he Bing's hair, "my brother will come to see you today."

He Bing's eyes lit up, "really?"

Ye Ling nodded, yes.


Ye Ming is coming to see her.

He Bing changed the blue and white medical clothes on her and wore a beige long skirt, which was slim and outlined her thin and soft waist line.

He Bing stood in front of the washing table and turned around. With long black hair and a beautiful little oval face, the girl looked like a water lotus.

Will he like it?

When will he come?

Will you come soon?

She hasn't seen him for a long time.

I miss him so much.

He Bing sat by the bed, his heart beating like a drum.

At this time, the knock of "knock knock knock" sounded, and someone was knocking at the door.

Ye Ming is here?

Ye Ming must be here!

He bingfei quickly got up and ran to open the door.

The door of the ward opened. It was not Ye Ming, but the private housekeeper.

"Hello, miss he." the private housekeeper said hello politely.

"Are you?" he Bing didn't know the private housekeeper, but felt strange. She looked behind her over the private housekeeper's shoulder, and there was an ambulatory. There was no one.

Ye Ming didn't come.

"Miss He, are you looking for the city master? The city master doesn't come if he has something to do. The city master sent me here." the private housekeeper said politely.

"Oh, please come in." he Bing made way.

In the ward, he Bing sat by the bed. The private housekeeper gave him something in his hand, "Miss He, this is what our city Lord gave you."

What's that?

He Bing received it and saw that it was a property transfer book. Ye Ming gave her a lot of money.

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