Xia Xiwan said, "don't deviate from the topic, be honest!"

"The road was delayed for a while. She saw a little boy who sold himself to bury his mother and asked me to help. Her daughter spoke, so I had to do it."


Xia Xiwan sighed.

"What's the matter?" Lu Hanting buried Jun's face in her long hair and asked, "what's on your mind?"

"She is our little princess, but she also has her own mission and responsibility. She can't live a happy and arbitrary life like ordinary children in her life. She can't help herself in love and marriage."

Lu Hanting raised his head, "has Pang Pang's marriage been decided?"

Xia Xiwan nodded, "we choose to marry Rosen royal family. Prince Rosen is two years old. The two people are a good match. Her road has been decided. In the future, she will be the first princess in the world."

Lu Hanting felt his wife's heartache. He held her hand, shuttled in and clasped her fingers, "Wanwan, I know you love your daughter. From the moment she was born, her life has been set in a framework. However, that is the children's own way. Lu Hanting and your Xia Xiwan's daughter are destined to be no ordinary children. I also believe that whether she is princess Lanlou or the first princess, she will go her own way."

Xia Xiwan looked up. She could just see the brightly lit banquet hall downstairs through the window. At this time, Prince Rosen appeared.

Prince Rosen is wearing a black suit and a gentleman's bow tie at the neck. He is very handsome. His gestures show the prince's nobility and elegance.

In terms of birth, temperament and self-restraint, Prince Rosen and Lu Yu are indeed a good match.

There is no better match than this.

Little Lu and little Gu came to Prince Rosen. Prince Rosen handed him a beautiful gift, "happy birthday, Rosen. This is the birthday gift I prepared for you. Open it quickly."

Little Lu Kai opened the gift, which was a night pearl.

The first-class night pearl immediately shone, and the glittering and threatening light immediately shone all over the hall.


The whole audience cast envious eyes. Prince Rosen's pen is so big. A night pearl is invaluable.

"Look, Prince Rosen is coming. He's coming. He's ordering his future Princess with the night pearl."

"Don't you know that the marriage between little princess Lu and Prince Rosen is a foregone conclusion."

"My little princess Lu, my heart is broken."

Everyone talked about it.

Little Lu Lu put away the night pearl and looked at Prince Rosen. "Prince Rosen, thank you. I like your gift very much."

Prince Rosen looked at little Lu Lei admiringly, "Lei Lei, just like it."

Little Lu Yi gave the gift to the housekeeper. Xiaogu charming whispered, "sister Lu Yi, although this night pearl is good, as the daughter of the Lu family, you haven't seen any treasures. I don't think you like this night pearl much, but why do you want to show great joy?"

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