She closed her eyes and forced herself not to think about the past. However, the face she saw in the van just now, the strange and brand-new face, came back to her mind.

That face is more handsome and beautiful than Xiao Cheng's face before.

He Bing soon opened his eyes again. No, she can't let him leave like this.

Why should he come and go whenever he wants? She must get the answer whether he is Ye Ming or not.


The van drove out of Hongkou city and stopped slowly at the intersection of the expressway.

Ye Ming reached out and turned on the light in the car. His thumb and index finger opened and "brushed" the black belt around his strong waist. He pulled down his pants and hung his handsome eyelids. At a glance, there was a prominent tooth mark on the inner side of his thigh.

There is blood around the tooth mark. It still hurts when you move.

This little thing!

He stretched out his thick finger belly and touched the circle of delicate tooth marks. She should hate him so much that she bit so hard.

He rubbed the ring of tooth marks with his thick fingers. He suddenly couldn't put it down. This was the trace she left on him. Just now she fell into his arms, and her aroma remained on him.

But he's leaving.

She didn't recognize him. It's good that she has a happy life, and he has to go back to the mountain. In the future, they are two horizontal lines and won't meet again.

Ye Ming withdrew his hand and was ready to step on the accelerator.

But then a police car roared, and the uniformed policeman stopped him. "Sorry, sir, you can't leave now."

Ye Ming, "why?"

"Just now we received a call from the police. Did you pick up a person half an hour ago? The person said that her valuables were lost and suspected to have been stolen by you. Now you must take the car back with us for investigation."

"..." Ye Mingmei's eyes were overcast. He Bing, it's her again!

She called the police and said he stole her valuables?

What valuables?

He didn't even see what valuables she had brought to the car, which was a slander.

Dare she slander him as a... Thief?

It's against the sky!


Ye Ming was inconvenient to show his identity, so he was taken back to the police station.

He sat in a small room. It was quiet and silent.

I don't know how long later, there was a light footsteps outside, and then the door of the room was opened.

Ye Ming looks up. He sees he Bing by the door.

Here comes he Bing.

He Bing came in and sat opposite him. She looked at it. He had put on his prosthetics, not as empty as he had seen in the van before.

Seeing that her eyes had been falling on her disabled right leg, Ye Ming took the initiative to speak. His voice was low and dumb. He listened very magnetically, "what valuables have you lost?"

He Bing's eyes fell on his handsome face and suddenly said, "you look like a man I knew before."

Ye Ming paused and didn't speak.

"Although your face is different from him, I think you are him. You must not tell me the answer. Even if you tell me, I don't know whether it's true or false, so I want to verify whether you are him." he Bing went straight to the subject, which means - just cooperate.

Ye Ming had no expression. "What if I don't cooperate?"

He Bing hooked his lips and showed some provocation in his light laziness, "then I'll insist that you stole my things. You thief, stay here."

She was a thief. Ye Ming was very angry and smiled back. The tip of his tongue pressed his right cheek, "how do you want to verify it?"

He Bing's eyes moved down from his handsome face and fell on his pants. Then he picked his eyebrows and said, "the man I know has a small birthmark, so now please take off his pants."

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