She's gone.

Ye Ming raised his handsome eyelids and looked at her. Many passers-by rushed over, and her beautiful figure gradually disappeared in his vision.

He knew that this time she was really gone.

I won't come back.

Ye Ming feels that his heart has been hollowed out. This feeling of loss almost drives him crazy and makes him crazy.

With one hand on the ground, he stood up slowly.

"Sir, you're hurt, I'll take you to the hospital!" then the driver of the big truck hurried over and reached out to help Ye Ming.

Ye Ming pushed the driver away. He had no prosthetics or crutches. He moved and jumped forward.

Blood was still seeping down his empty trouser leg, but he didn't feel pain. The man jumped forward slowly, gently and forcefully, without being down and embarrassed.

This man has a kind of vicissitudes and merciful power given by time. He seeps out a little and makes people look up to him.

Although he has only one left leg left, his left leg is strong and full of strength.

The man is full of spirit even if he has a broken leg.

Ye Ming's face was stiff, his jaw was tight and cold, and his beautiful thin lips were tight and white. He was so scared that the crowd automatically gave way.

He walked through the crowd and saw her. He Bing bent down and prepared to get on the bus.

At this time, a strong healthy arm hooped her waist, and the man came up from behind. She heard his light panting, the "Dong Dong" beat from his heart, and his dumb whisper, "Bing Bing Bing"


He's calling her name.

He is indeed ye Ming.

This is the real Ye Ming.

He Bing froze. A few seconds later, she struggled quickly to push him away.

"Bingbing, I'm sorry."

What did he say?

He said --- Bingbing, I'm sorry.

"Sorry, I don't want to hear you talk too much."

At this time, the man's heavy body was pressed up from behind, and his head was placed on her shining fragrant shoulder.

"Ye Ming, let go!"

"Bingbing, you should know that I don't want to let go. I've never thought of letting go of your hand. Even if there is only one leg, I'm desperately running to you and coming to you, but..." he didn't go on.

But what?

But he has his responsibility and belief, he has his country, and all the choices are in one thought, but he may have to spend the rest of his life in pain.

She has had a hard time in the past three years.

How did he feel?

He Bingmo for a moment, then turned his head. At this time, she found that the man closed his eyes and he lost consciousness.

But he didn't fall.

He Bing has never met a man like him. Now he has only one leg standing on the ground and was hit by a car. His iron body can't support it and he is in a coma, but he still stands upright, and even the healthy arm around her waist is still so strong and powerful.

He seems to be just tired. Close his eyes and squint.

Maybe that's why she loves him.

There was a power in him that deeply attracted her and made her almost devout admiration and admiration.

After Ye Ming, without Ye Ming, she could never fall in love with anyone else in her life.

He Bing trembled, stretched out his fingers and touched his cold and vicissitudes of life.

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