In the apartment.

The room was filled with a pungent smell of disinfectant. The doctor wearing a mask withdrew, "the patient has been wrapped up. It's OK to have more rest."

Ye Ming is all right after being hit by a car. This man has a hard bone and is dying.

He Bing looked at the man lying on the bed, "can you find out what caused his amputation?"

How come his legs are gone?

He was fine three years ago.

The doctor thought about it and said, "the right leg of the patient's amputation should have suffered a gunshot wound, but... This gunshot wound is not enough for the patient to amputate. There should be other important reasons. You can ask the patient yourself."

He Bing didn't speak.

"Patients are allergic to prosthetics. If they wear them, they will be red, swollen and inflamed. I heard that a kind of robot like prosthetic has been developed abroad. That kind of prosthetic is very modern. People can move freely after wearing them. Like ordinary people, I think the eldest lady can contact foreign medical students."

Then the doctor looked at the prosthetic limb picked up from the street, "this kind of prosthetic limb is inferior material. It's better to wear less in the future."

He Bing nodded, "OK, I see. Thank you, doctor."

The doctor left.

He Bing walks to the bedside. Ye Ming is still in a coma. She reaches out her finger and touches the beard residue on his face. The man is only 40 years old. He is not young, but I don't know whether he deliberately leaves the beard residue. Now he is deep, silent and cold, with the inexplicable sex of the beard residue. A 40 year old man of this level is really a boutique.

That's his face.

He Bing stared at him. She liked both Xiao Cheng's face and now's face.

No matter how many faces he has changed, she can recognize him.

At this time, the knock on the door sounded, and the maid said outside, "Miss, president Zhao is here."

Here comes Zhao Lei.

He Bing took back his hand, "I know, I'll go down now."

He Bing went out.


In the room.

Ye Ming slowly opened his eyes. His head was not the mottled roof in the mountain, but the champagne bed curtain inlaid with gold wires. The bright crystal chandelier penetrated through the bed curtain and the soft pillow of the hotbed.

Ye Ming moved for a moment, "Ding Ling", and the wind chime rang with happy laughter.

This is he Bing's room and he Bing's bed.

The girl's bed is not very large. His strong body of 1.9 meters has made the bed concave. The key is that his feet are stretched out and there is no place.

He slept in her bed.

Ye Ming looked sideways. His cold and handsome face pressed on the pillow. The pillow was soft and fragrant, with her aroma remaining on it.

He rubbed for a while, then sat up, his upper body was naked, tied with white gauze, and his black trousers were still below. The half empty trouser legs had been cut off, making his amputation very abrupt.

He got up and got out of bed to find his prosthetic limb.

But he suddenly remembered that the prosthetic was hit and flew. He didn't know whether she had helped him get it back.

Deep ink eyes glanced at the Princess Room. He didn't see the person he wanted to see. He Bing wasn't there.

He came to the door and opened it.

Soon he found the man he wanted.

However, his broad and rough palm fastened the door handle in an instant, and his deep and sharp black eyes fell in the restaurant. Two people sat on the rectangular luxury table. He Bing and Zhao Lei sat face to face. An enterprise boss and a young girl sat together, both of them quite nourishing their eyes.

Zhao Lei

Her husband is here.

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