He Bing got up from the bed, "put on your clothes and get ready for dinner!"

Then he Bing left the room.

Ye Ming put on his clothes and soon the maid brought Xiaomi porridge. "Sir, this is the porridge that the eldest lady asked me to cook for you. The eldest lady cares about your body."

Ye Ming took a look. She made delicious spareribs, millet porridge and several refreshing and delicious dishes.

His heart was suddenly soft and full.


Ye Ming was lying on the sofa. He didn't sleep. He just closed his eyes.

I don't know how long it took. With a click, the door of the room opened.

A series of light footsteps came from his ears, and then his sight was dark. Someone stood by his sofa.

Ye Ming slowly opens his eyes. He Bing comes back. She stands by the sofa and looks at him.

"Why don't you go to bed?" he Bing asked.

"That's your bed."

"Didn't you sleep in my bed?"


At this time, he Bing stretched out his hand and touched his empty trouser legs.

"What are you doing?" Ye Ming grabbed her slender white wrist and wouldn't let her touch it.

"Let me see."

"Where are you looking?"

"Look at your amputation."

Ye Ming sipped his thin lips and laughed at himself. "What's good-looking? It'll scare you."

So, he wears pants?

He sleeps in pants. He doesn't want to be seen.

"I haven't seen it before. I'm curious. I want to have a look." he Bing wants to break free from his imprisonment.

But ye Ming refused.

At this time, he Bing's hand slipped onto his strong shoulder and pushed him down on the sofa.

The strong waist and abdomen pressed down, and she sat up directly.

Now, she sits on his waist, male and female.

This kind of warmth. The ambiguous posture made Ye Ming's eyes catch fire, "your husband allows you to ride on a strange man like this?"

He Bing took off the belt around his waist with two small hands. "Are you a strange man? We didn't do anything three years ago?"

He didn't wear that shirt and bare his upper body, but he wore trousers and a belt around his waist.

Ye Ming pressed her little hand and called her name in a deep voice, "he Bing, I know you hate me, but don't tease me like this!"

She has teased him many times.

He Bing pushed away his big palm, his small hand flexibly opened his belt, pulled down his pants chain, and then pulled down his pants, revealing the amputation of his right leg.

The place he cut off was red and swollen, like a perfect handicraft. It was broken and became incomplete.

He is no longer perfect.

He Bing stretched out his small hand and stroked the place where he was cut with his soft finger.

Ye Ming doesn't want he Bing to see his deformity at this time, but now his deformity has been completely exposed in her eyes.

His muscles hardened one by one. He wanted to get up, but when he got up in the air, his tall and heavy body suddenly fell back into the sofa. All the feelings focused on her soft little hand. She slowly groped from his amputation, moving gently and pitifully, like a rare treasure.

Isn't she afraid?

Doesn't she dislike it?

He is really disabled now, but why is she so gentle?

His dark eyes were a little red, and his raised Adam's apple rolled up and down. He felt that she was killing him.

This feeling is hundreds of times more exciting than anything. He has never tried this feeling. Her little hands are numb, her strong waist and abdomen are surging and pounding into her limbs and bones.

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