Bang bang, three times, four men fell to the ground.

The last shot went straight through the hearts of the two men.

Those men didn't close their eyes before they died. They couldn't believe they were dead like this. They looked at Ye Ming with horror. The man was wearing a cap with a duck tongue, which was pressed very low. They only saw the man's deep black eyes, which were cold and fierce.

Several men fell.

Wu Xi and the FIU elites at the corner are ready to draw their guns, but their guns have not been pulled out, and those men have been solved.

They looked at the tall and strong body in a daze. The shooting method was really... Amazing!

They have never seen such a sharpshooter.

The tattoo man was also stunned. One second, two seconds or three seconds, the man who suddenly broke in had solved his men.

At this time, Ye Ming raised his hand and pointed the black muzzle at the tattooed man.

But there are no bullets.

No bullets!

The tattoo man was about to laugh. He immediately raised his hand and wanted to give ye Mingyi a shot.

Ye Ming hooked up the thin cold corner of his lips and directly threw the gun in his hand. The pistol suddenly hit the tattooed man's head.

The tattoo man bared his teeth in pain and released Tian Tian directly. He was so frightened that he turned and ran away.

Ye Mingsong opens he Bing, several strides forward, and easily catches up with the tattooed man. He raises his powerful left leg and kicks the tattooed man's leg belly.

Oh, the tattoo man fell and ate shit.

Ye Ming kicked off the pistol, stepped on the tattooed man's head and stepped down carelessly.

The tattooed man's face was ferocious and scolded, "who are you? Let go of me quickly!"

"Oh," Ye Ming forced a dull laugh from his throat and said faintly, "I'm your Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu's Lao Tzu, good grandson, call grandpa!"

"You!" the tattooed man vomited blood.

"Sweet, are you okay?" he Bing quickly got up and held sweet.

Tiantian forgot to cry. She looked at Ye Ming with adoration on her face, "Wow, he's so handsome. He's my hero!"

He Bing, "..."

At this time, Wu Xi and others hurried over. They made tattooed men.

"Sir, I don't know what you call it?" Wu Xi looked at Ye Ming.

Ye Ming lowered his cap and didn't look at Wu Xi. He pulled out his long legs and came to he Bing. He whispered, "come with me."

He went to a remote corner ahead.

"Bingbing, what's your relationship with him? Is he your boyfriend? Your boyfriend is handsome!"

Tiantian has forgotten the panic and gossip on her face.


He Bing pulls out his thin legs and comes to the back of Ye Ming. She looks like a child who has done something wrong and secretly glances at his tall and thick back.

His tall and strong back is hidden in the darkness, like a powerful dark emperor, which makes people want to worship.

He seems angry.


He Bing stepped forward, reached out and grabbed his shirt sleeve, gently pulled it, "I'm all over, why don't you talk?"

Ye Ming turned his head, and his deep ink eyes fell on her slapped little face. His low voice was cold and unhappy, "do you know your mistake?"

He Bing knew what he was talking about. She explained, "that bullet can't hit my heart, but I can blow his head. Sweet's crisis is relieved. Even if the team leader is not here, I can solve the remaining men..."

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