He Bing read the message twice --- open the door.

Open the door.

My God?

He came.

He's right outside her door.

He Bing didn't bother to put on his shoes, so he ran and opened the door.

Outside the door stood a tall and strong body, standing there like a door God against the light.

It's really Ye Ming.

He Bing looked at him and hummed, "what are you doing here? Qianqian didn't leave you in the hotel room for the night?"

She kept the door open and didn't let him in.

Ye Ming stretches out his broad palm and pushes the door open. He steps in with his long legs and closes the door with his backhand.

This action is direct and overbearing.

His strong back gently pressed against the door panel, hooked his lips and smiled, "I'm going, someone is going to cry."

"I won't cry!" he Bing said, but he was still very happy.

Ye Ming lowered his eyes and saw her bare little feet. The heroic sword eyebrow frowned tightly, "how bare feet?"

He stretched out his healthy arm and clasped her small waist. With a gentle lift, he picked her up.

He Bing quickly stretched out two small hands and hugged his neck.

"Hold so tight?" Ye Ming smiled low and leaned over to kiss the beauty tip on her forehead.

He Bing held him tighter and said, "I thought you didn't want me again."

The word "you" made Ye Ming's heart tighten. He tightened his healthy arm and hooped her vigorously, "do you like me so much?"

He doesn't have anything now. He's still lame with his right leg. She's only 24 years old. Why do you like him so much?

"I don't like you. How much I like you? Don't you count in your heart?" he Bing looked at him with bright eyes.

The present moment seems to make Ye Ming return to the old times. The old times hidden deep in his heart, the happy and wanton old times. In the past three years, he once thought those old times had gone away from him, but now when he looked back, he found that everything was there.

She's still there.

She is still the shape in his memory, or his favorite shape. Her eyebrows and eyes are as curved as stars. Her eyes are full of burning love for him, and he sees himself in her eyes.

Ye Ming's handsome eyebrows were rippling. "I bought you a present. It's in my trouser pocket. Take it yourself."

He bought her a present?

He Bing's eyes lit up, quickly stretched out his small hand and kicked it into his trouser pocket, "what gift?"

Through the thin cloth, her soft little hand stuck to the strong muscles of his thighs, and his waist and abdomen stiffened.

At this time, he Bing touched the gift and took it out with a lipstick in his hand.

He gave her lipstick.

Men give women lipstick.

He Bing's eyes were stained with a smile. She couldn't let go of playing with the lipstick in her hand. The voice line asked sweetly, "how much is this?"

"Not much, 3999."


He Bing took a breath of air conditioning. "Your salary is only 4000 yuan. You spent 3999 on a lipstick? Ye Ming, are you crazy?"

She glared at him angrily.

Ye Ming, "go and wipe it for me."

He Bing is angry. He spends money indiscriminately and spends a month's salary. He is no longer better than before. He has sent those children from Dashan to university in DIDU in the past three years. He doesn't have a penny's passbook in his hand.

"I'm not going."

"Disobedient?" he cursed low and squeezed her small waist with his big palm.

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