"Ha ha, OK," the scorpion laughed with satisfaction. "It turns out that the legendary blood eagle is also a kind of infatuation. It's really iron bone tenderness. Blood eagle, kneel down now and knock three heads for me."

Ye Ming looks at he Bing. She is at the bottom of his eyes and heart.

He Bing was thrown on the bed. Her long black hair was scattered disorderly. Several strands were wrapped in the skirt she was protecting. Her skin was greasy white, her eyes were red, and her eyebrows were like Dai. She looked at him and shook her head slowly, "don't... Ah Ming, don't kneel."

Ye Ming raised his thin lips, "don't be afraid, I'm here."

He said four words.

Don't be afraid, I'm here.

He Bing's slender feather like cicada wings trembled suddenly, and big tears fell down.

At this time, Ye Ming at the other end moved his tall body, and he knelt down his other leg slowly.

He's going to kneel.

He Bing suddenly stretched out his small hand, pulled over the Yantai on the bed cabinet, and then threw it with force.

With a bang, Yantai hit the connector of the LCD screen, and the LCD screen suddenly went black.

I can't see anything.

She can't see Ye Ming, and Ye Ming can't see her.

She cut off the world between two people.

In this way, he would not be influenced by her and would not have to kneel for her.

Two small hands tightly pull the board. She lets tears blur her sight. Ah Ming, so I can protect you.

She said she would guard him.

The LCD screen went black, and the scorpion's face changed greatly. He stretched out his hand ferociously, grabbed he Bing's long hair, and then slapped him directly.

He Bing falls back to the bed and spits out a mouthful of blood.

"Little bitch, you're really toasting and not drinking!"

"Oh," he Bing hooked his red lips and gushed out cold and moving, "no one can threaten him with me. There is only one consequence of the threat, that is... I will destroy myself."

The scorpion turned over to bed and directly pressed he Bing under her body. He began to tear her clothes. "Well, in order to save the blood eagle, you'd rather sacrifice yourself. Now let me play. Today, I'll kill you. Will the blood eagle suffer?"

"Go away!" he Bing tried to struggle hard, but she didn't have any strength.

Soon, her eyes darkened and she fell down.

The scorpion sees he Bing faint and can't wait to tear he Bing's clothes


The other end.

Before Ye Ming knelt down, the LCD screen in front of him was black.

He Bing destroyed the connection signal.

The man's dark eyes suddenly sank, and the bottom of the eyes was like two small whirlpools accumulated, deep and dangerous.

He quickly got up and came to the LCD screen. He felt the connection signal behind him.

This is a wireless connection. It's difficult to find out where the main signal is.

Even if he does, it's too late.

There was an idea growing wildly in the bottom of his heart. This idea was called... Fear.

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