"Just now... I was almost dizzy, so I pretended to be dizzy, poisonous scorpion... When I took off my pants, I kicked it up, and he hurt... His face changed. He took out his knife and stabbed me like crazy... Seven or eight knives..."

"With such a stab, I woke up. I picked up... The sheet and strangled his neck..."

"He struggled several times with great strength. He almost broke free, but I was thinking that if I died, I couldn't wait for you..."

He Bing stretched out his small hand and gently grasped his rough palm. She rubbed his calluses with her soft fingers, which is the power of time precipitated on him.

She looked at him with bright eyes, like the stars in the sky, "Ah Ming, you know, I love you. Over the years, I have never hidden my love for you. If I love you, I must love what you love. So I have been following your footsteps. One day, I will be as brave as you, I will have the same faith as you, and I will live like you."

"Ah Ming, I have kept you. In the future, less sadness and more happiness. So many people love you, and I love you too."

She loved him, he always knew.

The girl's soft voice rang through her ears, beating on his firm heart word by word. He held her cold little hand in the palm with his backhand.

He drove the car and looked straight ahead. The neon lights of the city were reflected on his handsome face through the window, adding to the vicissitudes of life.

For so many years, although he was in the prosperity, the prosperity never belonged to him, and he never missed being lost.

Over the years, he walked many tortuous roads, cut many thorns, wind and frost, and lost his parents when he was young. Because his family and country had been displaced several times and fought bloody battles, he left scars on his body. He was used to being alone.

Ye Ming's deep eyes were stained with scarlet and a little water light. He hooked his thin lips and said with a hoarse smile, "In this section of the road, I never cared about how much I paid and what I would gain. I didn't see the last side of my parents' departure, but my father left me a note, a few simple words and be a decent man."

"Sometimes I feel tired. The strange faces around me will make people tired and tired of this dirty darkness, but I still continue. Such a day is neither good nor bad until I met you."

"I still remember the first time I saw you. In that dark room, you took a pencil and stabbed it into Xiao Si's right eye, full of determination. At that time, you made me feel amazing."

"Later, you kept growing up. The growing feelings made us gradually different. You confided your love to me, you pressed step by step, and I fled several times. In fact, it was not that I didn't want to, but... Fear."

"I'm afraid I can't find a balance. One hand is a heavy burden and the other hand is love. I'm afraid I'll miss the country and bear you. Is there a perfect law in the world that doesn't bear the Tathagata and the Qing?"

"What's more, I'm afraid that time is too late. In your youth, how dare I... Sing love to you?"

"But after all, I fell in love, fell in love, fell in love with the warmth you gave me, fell in love with the love you gave me. After walking for so many years, I suddenly wanted to stop my steps. I was tired, tired, hurt, painful in my heart, lonely, lonely, wanted to fall asleep, and suddenly wanted you to accompany me."

"I want to have a home with you. I want to tell you about my parents. I want to seriously ask you, he Bing. I'm not perfect. I'm nearly 40, so have you considered it clearly? Don't play with me, because I'm in love for the first time."

"I also want to tell you secretly that if there were places that made you sad in the past, you must be more tolerant. I was worried, I hesitated, and I hesitated. It was all because I was too old, you were too young, I was very poor, and you were very good. I always thought about our future. I was always looking for whether we had a possibility of happiness. I gave my heart to you, and the bottom of my eyes was you. He Bing, for so many years, I Love you. "

He said, he Bing, I love you for so many years.

He Bingmei smiled with crooked eyes. She finally waited until his confession came, his love.

He Bing's delicate body lay down slowly, and his small face lay on his strong thigh. She stretched out her small hand and touched the prosthetic limb of his right leg. Here is the best love he gave her.

In fact, real heroes have flesh and blood. The so-called softness and weakness will make them better.

He Bing gently closed his eyes, "Ah Ming, you know, when you left three years ago, I dreamed that I was pregnant and gave birth to a daughter.

Daughter? How nice.

Ye Ming hooked his thin lips, shuttled his big palm into her dark hair, wrapped her greasy white forehead and stroked back, "if we have a daughter, what's her name?"

The voice fell, and there was no response for a long time.

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